The heat of vaporisation of methanol, CH3OH, is 36.8 kJ/mol. Its boiling point is 64.7 oC. The change in entro?

2010-10-09 12:47 am
A -17.8
B 569
C 17.8
D 3.41
E 109

回答 (2)

2010-10-12 10:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
use perhaps the Riemann's dzeta function
2017-01-12 10:56 pm
actually no longer one hundred% effective a thank you to do this one. i wanted to assert I made a correction on different subject and needed you to correctly known. I regarded up tables of vapor tension of water and the respond is between 31 T at 30C and fifty 5 T at 40C so 5) sounds like the terrific suited answer. yet undecided on a thank you to derive.

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