
2010-10-09 12:52 am
我想問點翻譯 "實施車輛單雙號限行規定" 為英文呀?


回答 (5)

2010-10-09 7:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
英文:"Odd and even numbers of vehicles to implement the provisions of the limit line."

2010-10-09 1:59 am
Odd and even numbers of vehicles to implement the provisions of the limit line
參考: google 翻译
2010-10-09 1:31 am
Road usages are bound by the odd & even number vehicles.
2010-10-09 1:15 am
Enact the alternate day driving policy Cars will be banned on alternate days depending on whether their license plates end in odd or even numbers
2010-10-09 12:55 am
odd and even numbers of vehicles to implement the provisions of the limit line

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 13:26:46
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