Which dog should I aim for?

2010-10-08 2:31 am
I'm 19 years old and I'm looking to get a puppy in a few months. I know they're a lot of responsibility and I believe I'm prepared for that. I live in St. Louis so some of the more rare breeds are hard to find here. I want to spend no more than $400 for the puppy and it doesn't have to be a purebreed. I have plenty of time to spend with my new puppy and I excercise daily, so walks with it won't be a problem. I would like a dog that gets bigger than average, yet is attractive. I still live home where the youngest sibling is 8 years old, so I would like it to be gentle to us all, while being more loyal to me.. I would like it to be somewhat hostile to strangers in case of intruders and I want it to have the intimidation appeal. An example would be a St. Bernard but they're hard to find here and are expensive up front. I can easily afford food, etc, I'm just worried about upfront costs.. If you have any stories that would help me with my decision feel free to tell me! I'll be spending a huge chunk of my life with this dog so I want the right one for me, thank you!

I wouldn't mind going to the pound, I'm just wondering which breed would be right for me..

回答 (10)

2010-10-08 2:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
first off i would like to say that you should look in your local shelter, im sure there are tones of dogs there that fit your criteria and are looking for someone to save them.
i think you might be interested in:
doberman pincer: loving, gentle, loyal but very capable of restraining an intruder
great dane: big lovable, sweet, loyal, trustworthy, they were used as guard dogs so they are still capable of restraining an intruder.
rottweiler: about the same as the doberman
pitbull: these dogs have a bad rap but thats only because of thir owners: they are similar to the rottie and dobe
i love all these breeds so good luck

rememmber there is probubly lots of dogs in your local shelter just waiting for someonelike you to save them. do lots of research before getting a certain breed.

hope this answer helps :)
2010-10-08 9:32 am
go to petfinder.com
2010-10-08 9:34 am
Go to an animal shelter! Someone there needs you as much as you want them!
2010-10-08 9:33 am
Agreed with Chrissy! Adopt a shelter or rescue pet first. Many rescues and shelters have purebreds if that's what you want.
2010-10-08 9:44 am
I think a golden retriever or a lab would fit you most. They are loving but at the same time playful! Look at your local animal shelter or newspaper to see if there are any dogs for sale. Hope this helps!!
2010-10-08 9:44 am
You might get a different feel being with different breeds physically rather than just from pictures and words. Then, each puppy has a different personality and that counts most.

If you are worried about upfront costs, you might want to budget for the possible medical costs later on just in case you didn't get the healthiest of puppies around. For this reason you have to be extra careful where you get the dog.

Visiting the shelters would allow you to come across various breeds. It's very sweet and responsible of you to think of your youngest sibling's well being and if your parents agree to it, you might as well ask your brothers and sisters to search around with you. Some puppies just follow you and some run away from you. If I were to choose a puppy, health and interaction with people would top my priority list.

Good luck!
2010-10-08 9:41 am
go to a animal shelter in your area ( search on google) or go to www.petfinder.com
2010-10-08 9:35 am
I would say. Some thing your personality is the same as the dog. or animalplanet/petfinder.com
2010-10-08 9:36 am
i would say a Labrador retriever because they are nice and gentle and they get trained easily and they are really attractive. The puppy costs around $350 if they are AKC and if they are not AKC they sell for about $200.
參考: experience with Labradors retrievers.
2010-10-08 9:34 am
get a abandom purebreed from the pound, or a mutt. why buy alife when you can save one?

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