Is This A Good Resume?

2010-10-07 7:29 pm
I want 35 dollars an hour.
I left my previous job because they only paid me 10 dollars an hour.
my social insurance number is: 194944949458
My former employees addresses are: 144 Junior road and 178 Sir road
I am 36 years old
I have no children and I my wife is prego
I am 6'2, 400 pounds
The goverment says I am handycap
I am a muslim for 40 years

回答 (3)

2010-10-07 8:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
thats not a resume and no its not. You don't tell potential employers your religion, it can lead to discrimination. you misspelled handicapped and used slang (prego) that and the fact that it is inappropriate to include your wife's pregnancy on a resume. basically this is mostly stuff you don't put on a resume. i don't think you know what one is. go to a site and look up how to make one. a resume is a list of your skills and experience that pertains to the job you are applying for, not a bunch of random stuff about you
2010-10-08 2:40 am
where is the resume?
2010-10-08 2:32 am
Nope, neine, nyet, non, sorry

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