S. 3 Factorization 有唔明

2010-10-08 6:17 am
唔明 1b & 2b

1a) Factorize ﹣3m^2+5m+2

1b) Hence Factorize ﹣3(y+3)^2+5(y+3)+2
﹦(1b 欠詳解)

2a) Factorize n^2-14n+40

2b) Hence Factorize x^2(3x-1)^2-14x(3x-1)+40
﹦(2b 欠詳解)

回答 (1)

2010-10-08 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
1a) Factorize ﹣3m^2+5m+2
﹦﹣(3m+1)(m-2)1b) Hence Factorize ﹣3(y+3)^2+5(y+3)+2Sub m = y + 3 to the result of a) : ﹣3(y+3)^2+5(y+3)+2= - (3(y + 3) + 1) ( y+3 - 2 )= - (3y + 10) (y + 1)﹦﹣(3y^2+13y+10)﹦﹣(3y+10)(y+1)
2a) Factorize n^2-14n+40
﹦(n-4)(n-10)2b) Hence Factorize x^2(3x-1)^2-14x(3x-1)+40Sub n = x(3x - 1) to the result of a) : x^2(3x-1)^2-14x(3x-1)+40= (x(3x - 1) - 4) (x(3x - 1) - 10)= (3x^2 - x - 4) (3x^2 - x - 10)﹦(3x-4)(x+1) (3x+5)(x-2)

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