Why am I so tired all of the time?

2010-10-06 8:16 pm
I am tired ALL of the time. I'm a 16 year old female and I'm a bit overweight. I usually go to bed around 10 and wake up at around 7.30. That's like 8 and a half hours of sleep (Isn't 8 hours what you're supposed to get?) I pretty much never have breakfast and then walk about 2 miles to school. You might think this is the problem but I've been doing that for about 3 years now and I've only been feeling this tiredness for about 4 months now.
I'm pretty stressed at school and home so I don't know if that's the problem but, as I said before, I've been stressed at home for about a year, though being stressed at school is pretty recent (about a month). I just want to sleep ALL day. I'm getting behind with school work because I just can't concentrate, sometimes in last lesson I literally almost fall asleep.
Please, What could be the problem? ._.

回答 (9)

2010-10-06 8:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i know it's not a helpful answer, but it's a mix of everything
not eating breakfast for the past 3 years slow down your metabolic rate and make you more tired. and since you're a bit heavy, your body needs extra calories to "function".
and as you said, stress can cause tiredness too - your nervous system is linked to your immune system. I experienced that myself recently due to depression too.

In the meantime, you may want to have a blood check for diabetes - I'm not saying you have it, but being diabetic may cause exhaustion.

For now, may I suggest that you begin eating breakfast in the morning - it's the most important meal during the day. If you don't have enough time for it, snack a banana when you're walking to school. Try to do some simple stretching to help relax physically, and play some light, classical music at home to help relax mentally. Drink a lot of warm water as it helps you calm down too.

Hope you feel better soon. Bless you~ To me, praying to Jesus helps too :)
參考: myself
2010-10-06 8:23 pm
you may have amnesia google it if you don't know it
it's when not enough Iron goes around your body
iron is responsible for something with oxygen
go to your gp / doctors and explain the sit they will do tests

also it would be a goood idea to actually eat something in the morning you will feel the difference trust me
參考: alot of friends with it :)
2010-10-06 8:31 pm
have a good diet and exercise regularly and you will feel much more awake also drink lots of water
2010-10-06 8:31 pm
You should change your routine when you are awake. If you eat horrible and drink soda and junk, that can cause you to feel this way. Compliment your 2 mile walk to school by drinking water.
In my experience with drinking/eating the wrong things, I noticed that my brain becomes trained after a week or two, to not crave what I use to eat. The only problem I found was, with food, the monotony became too much. With drinking, it was very easy to just drink juice/water/tea once the body stopped craving the other junk. It didn't take long. Just try it, one thing at a time, one day at a time.
2010-10-06 8:26 pm
So many possibilities, just a few of which include:

Iron deficiency anemia

B12 deficiency anemia

Copper deficiency

Insufficient number of calories consumed per day

Possible food sensitivity - try to observe your diet and see if you have started eating something frequently during the time period you have noticed yourself feeling lethargic

Candida Albicans overgrowth in the gut etc

Thyroid insufficiency.

As you mentioned, stress may be the reason - too much stress over a sustained period can stress the adrenal glands and lead to various physical repercussions, some of which would, indeed, be lethargy and tiredness. Might be worth having your hormone levels checked

All of these are worth considering with your doctor but, of course, it may be something else. Still, you have to start somewhere, so put your best foot forward and go through these and any other suspicions you may have, one by one, eliminating each possibility in turn...

Good luck
2010-10-06 8:22 pm
Go get your thyroid levels checked. It's a good place to start. If you are just slightly hypothyroid it could cause those symptoms. And beware because if you are simply "in range" most of the doctors will say you're fine. Hypothyroidism is vastly under treated in this country, especially among women. So if your TSH results come back at say 4.5 (range now is roughly .3 to 3, old range was bigger) they may say you're fine but you would feel better getting a little extra thyroid every day.

So talk to your doctor, it could also be contributing to your keeping weight on. Also, it might be a good idea to eat a little something before you go to school. Just because you've been doing it for years doesn't mean it's serving you now.
2010-10-06 8:22 pm
could be mild depression, could be stress...do you get your periods regularly? have you had your iron checked? Mono possibilities? Diet needs improvement? Sometimes simple blood work can give you answers.

In the meantime find something that really interests you...and start some basic exercise to get the blood pumping. Again, you may have to have some bloodwork first. Everything is fixable, so get some answers so you can feel better
2010-10-06 8:22 pm
Problem one: You're a teenager. Your kind just LOVE to sleep all the time. Trust me, I was one of them once.

Problem two: You're not eating enough. Don't use the "This only started a few months ago" excuse to not eat properly. Just do it.

Potential problem three: Do you do anything to relax from school and home? Read a book, drink some tea, hang out with friends, play video games? Do something to take your mind off your problems and you might feel better.
參考: I was a teenager once.
2010-10-06 8:34 pm
Well you could be depressed, have lupus and about a million other things. Asking on yahoo answers is not a good idea since most of these people sound like they read too much web md. If its really a problem go see a doctor, best bet.

Best guess from me though is just too much stress, talk to a counsuler and figure out your daddy issues.

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