Trying to bring dog overseas.?

2010-10-06 3:00 pm
Iam moving overseas because my husband is stationed there. I really dont want to leave my dog behind, she is a terrier.
Is there a way I could bring her with me?? I heard that it was difficult to bring an animal overseas. Also what would i need to do? Do airlines still accept animals??

回答 (6)

2010-10-06 3:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Depends where to and from.

If the UK is there in the equation then it is VERY difficult as we have quarantine or pet passport laws. Because we are a rabies free island then they wish to keep it that way.

If it is that you are trying to bring into UK then go to the DEFRA site and look up pet passport scheme as this would tell you what you need.

If the dog is ellible it still takes about 8 months to complete. If you bring the dog in without a pet passport then they have to go into quarantine costing between £2 & 3 thousand depending on breed and port details.
2010-10-06 3:07 pm
Read through this link:

Has all the relevant information you need.

Other Resources related to military pet owners and military pet fostering: Tips for pet owners in the military. 4MilitaryFamilies provides tips for taking care of military pets during foster care or moves. J For details about the NetPet foster-matching service, click on Military pets foster project. Click "Operation Noble Foster" for feline fostering info and a sample contract form. J Info from the Humane Society of the United States, including a checklist and a sample contract form.
2010-10-06 3:06 pm
I think you'd have better luck doing a search with where you're from to where you are going since there aren't any specifics listed here. I do believe most countries have a quarantine when accepting animals from other countries; different requirements and time frames vary, I'm sure, depending where you're headed.

Most airlines do accept animals (depending on the airline- some have restrictions or requirements), I just don't know about international flights.
2010-10-06 3:12 pm
The UK and Australia have very tough import rules for dogs. You will need to enquiry at the relevant authority what they need.

You will also need to enquire at your own country what papers and procedures are necessary to take the dog out of the country.

The in and out papers are essential. Once you've got them all you then find an airline for your dog. Some airlines would allow dogs below a certain weight to travel with you in the cabin. Some require you to put the dog in some special crate.

Make sure your dog won't be cold if they want him to be caged in the cargo area. It's very cold there. Also you should ask your vet what you need to do to prepare your dog for the journey if it is a fairly long journey. Good luck!
2016-11-03 7:38 pm
Please talk with your vet and confirm you have all your canines vaccinations and get paper artwork up as much as now. additionally be certain you have despite paper artwork the air lines want. this may be copies or they might ask for originals from the vet. If achievable see what the German's government want and want to allow your dogs to circulate into the country. be certain you have all your bases lined. My cousin took her Golden into France and the dogs replace into ok yet replace right into somewhat dehydrated while they arrived. make helpful the airlines has a thank you to your dogs to get a superb type of water mutually as interior the crate on the air airplane. The airlines did furnish a kennel yet she had to order on properly in develop. The airline did not furnish bedding for the dogs she took her own. She did say some airlines do not furnish crates so examine that out too. They too had to board the dogs for 3 weeks in basic terms before they have been allowed to deliver him lower back abode with them. The undesirable dogs might desire to alter somewhat yet being together with his kinfolk as quickly as lower back replace into quite all he mandatory. She informed me that the final analysis is having all the paper artwork so as. I want you all the final of luck with your circulate.
2010-10-06 3:12 pm
When I flew to Germany their was a dog in a crate where the luggage was stored. There's a story as to how I know this but I won't get into it. I don't know if airlines still accept dogs, but I would think so. They store them in a crate, as I said, with the luggage. This particular dog's ears hurt him so bad from the pressure, that he somehow managed to get out of his crate and wouldn't let the people get our luggage because he was frightening them. He was in pain. So ask your vet what you can do to protect his very sensitive ears on the way, and try to look online to see which airlines take them and how they are transported. Hope I helped. Rain.
參考: Over 20 years experience training dogs, including 3 years of retraining, ran a rottweiler rescue, bred rottweilers for a short time and donate any spare time to shelters assessing dogs and working with issues.

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