did my interview went well?

2010-10-06 9:10 am
just came back from an interview with telco company, the interview last about 30mins and my skills and knowledge with regards to the post is asked, the interviewer's son is studying the same college as me so we talk abit the schools we were in..near the end of the interview i was asked about my expected salary and also my availability..there is onli 1 interviewer which is senior manager of particular department...is it something positive?

he did also mentioned that i seems to have done some research about the company..did i impress him?

回答 (1)

2010-10-06 9:26 am
it sounds pretty positive, but it really depends on the company's hiring procedures - e.g. how many rounds of interviews do they usually have, who makes the decisions, etc.

make sure you send a thank-you note to him to reiterate your interest and qualifications. let him know you'll follow up next week :)

God bless

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