How do i tell my boyfriend i want to wear hair extensions again ?

2010-10-06 9:00 am
When me and my boyfriend first met (2 years ago) I was very fake i wore alot of make up, fake eye lashes, fake nails, hair extensions he didn't like it so i stopped as soon as he said that. And from then to now all i have worn that's 'fake' is a average coverage of make up and my hair dye. But my hairs very thin and getting damaged from heat and i'd love to get some extensions but he has already said he doesn't like them and doesn't want me to why is this and how can i get some :( ? xx

回答 (13)

2010-10-06 9:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Like nike says "Just Do It"
2010-10-06 9:44 am
Excuse me? He TELLS you he doesn't like them and doesn't want you too put them in your hair? Sister, it's not his freaking hair... it's yours. That will be the day that any man would tell me what I can and cannot do. Too sad, but it's your hair and if it's thinning out, then hell yes, get extensions. Your boyfriend is a controlling idiot..... and your a wuss if you let him.
2010-10-06 9:05 am
Do not under any circumstances become your own person.

Always do what your boyfriend tells you to do.
參考: sex slave
2016-06-03 5:37 pm
At the end of the day this is what a relationship is all about: Two different people coming together out of love, with different opinions and desires. Look it's your hair not his, as far as most people would be concerned you can do what you want with it. You don't need his permission to do it at all and if he's going to make such a fuss than it's just petty stupidity because your hair doesn't define who you are.
2010-10-06 11:54 am
ok so i have had extentions since i was in 9th grade and i have graduated so anyways ive had glued in ones and clip on ones.... honestly, i miss them like CRAZY but i used to have the thickest hair and now it thinner than ****. and its from the clip on ones. but glue in will do even more thinning. seriously do get them cause if your hair is thin it will make it thinner. trust me please. and your boyfriend is an idiot. thank god he took you out the the fake stage though. but yah. GOOD LUCK HUN!
2010-10-06 9:52 am
you should be your own person and not let your boyfriend or anyone else tell you what to wear and what to do.
if you want to wear extensions just wear them.
2010-10-06 9:34 am
If it was me i would do it, but you should get really good quality ones! they might cost a lot but will look a lot better and then he might not mind. but it is your body so you get the final say but it is good to take what he thinks in and think about it :)
2010-10-06 9:19 am
normally i would say, its up to you what you wear and have done

you say your hair is thin and damaged
extensions will make this even worse
ask any REPUTABLE hairstylist
go for a consultation, they will tell you the same thing
(unless they are just out to sell you something)
2010-10-06 9:13 am
You should get them. Especially if it makes you feel better about yourself. Just make sure you dont get anything too extreme that would really look fake. Get something that would look natural and full.
2010-10-06 9:18 am
agree with Lady-Tre, but extensions will actually damage your hair further based on my experience.
well, it's sorta irrelevant to your question, but what about not doing anything to your hair for a while so it can grow healthily first? then use some shampoo that would help add volume?

and i think it's always wise to respect your boyfriend's opinions first, and maybe try to explain to him calmly why you'd like to have the extension when your hair is healthy enough for the extension.
參考: imho

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