Is my puppy acting up badly?

2010-10-06 8:50 am
Alright, well she's two months old and I bought her two weeks ago. She is a full black pitbull and she looks really innocent. But she likes to bite and play A LOT. She'll run after my feet and attack them, and when I'm sleeping she'll wake up and attack me and go back to bed. She likes to be near me at all times too so I know its not that she doesn't like me. But if she's awake she bites.
And any good pody training methods would be nice too. :)
Thanks a lot!

回答 (5)

2010-10-06 11:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
All puppies bite, but there are better ways to stop it than to pop them on their nose;

And an excellent housebreaking site;
參考: competition obedience training for 40 years....never had to hit a dog yet
2010-10-06 4:15 pm
No, you bought a puppy at a real young age who didn't have time to learn some valuable behaviors from mom and litter mates. YOU'RE not doing your job as an owner in training.
2010-10-06 4:38 pm
Sounds as if she is teething. I have a 4 month Bichon pup and he likes to bite a lot, and with the little needle teeth it hurts. When I stir in my sleep he will leap on me and bite my nose. Sounds fairly normal :-). When he bites me I squeal (like another pup would), sometimes that doesn't work, so I'll keep removing the part of my body he is biting and substitute a chew toy while saying 'No!' firmly. Make sure the pup has some teething toys and mine likes chewing ice-cubes which must cool his inflamed gums.
House training is just patience....putting her outside (or on newspaper if you can't get to a garden easily), after each meal, and when she starts sniffing and circling. She will eventually get the message if you say 'No!' when she does it in the house and then praise her when she does it in the right place. Good luck.

2010-10-06 4:15 pm
She is a baby and babies put everything in their mouth. You are her favorite chew toy. You need to get 5 or 6 heavy duty chew toys. things to toss and squeak and roll. When she bites put a chew toy is her mouth or distract her with one. The potty training is after she eats or drinks take her out until she goes. then pat and praise her and bring her in and let her rest or play. Do try to keep an eye on when she wants to go and take her out and make a dig deal of going when she is outside.
參考: A very old dog lover
2010-10-06 4:03 pm
you have to let her know these are inappropriate behaviors. she's biting because her teeth is growing.

some tips for discipline: for example, when she bites you, you have to tell her NO and hit her nose with 2 fingers softly. when she wakes you up at night, lock her up into the cage. for pody training, use newspaper - buy "diapers" and place those on the newspaper, when she pees/poops there, praise her with a very excited high-pitch voice. when she mess up, bring her to the pee/poop and hit her nose softly
dogs can tell your mood from your pitch of your voice. always say what you're doing as if you're talking to a baby. she understands :)

take care and God bless
參考: i have 2 "puppies" - they're 16 and 15 now hehe. they probably think they're human and read many many books when they were young

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