Why does my face feel like sandpaper?

2010-10-06 8:25 am
My face(skin) is usually smooth.. and for the past 3 days and even now.. it feels like sandpaper.. like little goosebumps on my face..

Anyone know how to get rid of this problem?
thanks in advance!

回答 (4)

2010-10-06 8:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
i think it's due to
1. change of weather
2. allergy
3. stress
4. hormonal changes (especially if you're a teenager)

try to think if you've changed any skincare products or habits recently to find out the cause. if nothing has changed, drink a lot of water and use some cream for sensitive skin. adding some honey and lemon to warm water helps.

take care and God bless.
2016-04-21 5:25 am
Moisturizer. Lots and lots of moisturizer. Try to put it on as much as possible and eventually it will go away. Your face probably just got a bit damaged from the heat and sun. This happens to my friend whenever she goes on vacation and gets a tan and don't worry it goes away, it'll just be a bit rough for while.
2010-10-06 9:27 am
here are same things for you smooth fece is good but in market new thing arivel can you use which one should to you you can chose and use .
2010-10-06 8:56 am
will edit

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