Spiritually speaking, should church be held on a weekday...?

2010-10-06 8:08 am
that way it can actually do something useful and get kids out of class

回答 (6)

2010-10-06 8:20 am
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The Catholic Church has Mass everyday, there is nothing new about worshiping God everyday. God should be first and fore most on our minds. Putting God first in our lives will let everything else we do fall right into place. Even if things don't turn out exactly as you wanted them too, it will always end just fine.
However if you say this just to get out of class, well that's a different story. God sees into our hearts and knows our reasons for things. This is were a person should be careful. Nothing gets by God. God bless you.
參考: Roman Catholic Christian, Pray the Rosary daily.
2010-10-06 3:17 pm
the way our church does it... is we have early morning classes before school (or after school) that is like the hour of sunday school on the weekdays
we also have church on sundays
saturday i suppose is the only day we don't have something like that

so my thoughts? i think not church really, but teachings.
2010-10-06 3:10 pm
church can be held on any day as long as you use the time to actually worship God and do something useful for a change lol. ;)
2010-10-07 11:32 am
It's good to read some spiritual book every day of the week & to meditate every day, too. Also, I realized long ago that, unlike the doctors, God makes house calls, so you can have church any day that you like. As far as getting out of class, that might depend on your goals & whether you think it would make school & learning easier or harder if your family decided to spring for home school. Whatever you decide to do, I hope that it's with great joy!
2010-10-06 3:22 pm
agree with Bekka
it's a tradition to meet on Sunday because Christ resurrected on Sunday. but just like Jesus said, we should worship Him in spirit and truth so the time and location isn't the most important.
if the church has enough resources to have services during a weekday, that would be very helpful to those who need to work on Sundays (such as nurses, restaurant workers, etc.)
2010-10-06 3:17 pm
nope it should be sunday

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