
2010-10-07 12:41 am
我repeat今年al,我係自修生,冇係中學讀,09-10考左一次,我想combine cert,咁我係jupas既呢三條問題答yes定no?
1. Are you currently enrolled in a full-time or sandwich bachelor's degree programme covered under JUPAS in one of the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions?
2.Are you a current secondary school student in Hong Kong sitting for the HKALE in 2011?
3.Are you applying on the basis of HKALE results?
仲有,點知可以話比jupas知我combine cert?

回答 (1)

2010-10-07 4:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
恕我直言, 如果你三條問題都唔識解, 你既英文程度真係幾差.

第一條問你是否在參與JUPAS的九間院校就讀全日制或廠校交替制學士學位課程. 答No.

第二條問你現在是否在香港的中學就讀, 並應考2011年考AL. 答No.

第三條問你係唔係用高考報大學. 答yes.

JUPAS會幫你問考評局拎晒過往9年的會考及高考成績, 所以你無需通知JUPAS你會用Combine cert.

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