Today I had a job interview and was hired. My schedule has not been made yet, but I have plants on Halloween?

2010-10-06 7:54 am
What is a valid excuse to get me out of working that day? It is in a month, but I am worried they will be strict on scheduling me because I am new.

Because it will be on a Holiday, it will be obvious that I just don't want to go to work because I have other plans. I don't WANT to lie and I want them to know in advanced not to put me on the schedule.


its not a party, it IS a family obligation

回答 (3)

2010-10-06 9:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
not sure if it helps, but it really depends on what job it is
if you tell the HR ASAP you've made prior commitment that day, it should be fine. and if they must schedule you for that day, somehow i feel it would be better you just sacrifice your party this year because afterall, you're new.

hope it helps
2010-10-06 9:10 pm
First of all, Halloween is not a holiday, as in legal that is. You must be very immature if you would sacrifice a new job for a party. Grow up and start acting like an adult.
2010-10-06 2:57 pm
death in the family - (your goldfish or ur plant who cares they wont check)

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