Is it too late to do any of these? Am I too old?

2010-10-06 7:46 am
Growing up was tough, my family couldn't afford anything extra for me and my brothers... Except I did figure skate for a few years when I was really young.
Here are the things I WANT to take up.
-figure skating
-dancing (hip hop, or jazz)

I make my OWN money know, so I can afford one and I have time.
But is it too late? I'm 19. I know I am still good at skating... I was on the ice last year with my friends kid and realized how much I actually missed it.
I can sing, and been told I have potential. I just haven't had any professional training.
And as for dancing... I can feel the beat. Music is just kinda natural to me...
So is 19 too old to take any of these up?

回答 (8)

2010-10-06 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Go for it you have tons of time!! Have fun and enjoy life you got alot going for you! Oh to be 19 again lol (I wish). Good Luck!!
2010-10-06 2:48 pm
Nope. You are not to old. You should do it now.
2010-10-06 2:53 pm
you're not old at all. but do you mean you want to become professional in these areas?
i think you can learn these any time, but it may take some time become professional - just be patient with yourself, and in the meantime, work on a professional degree that will help support your pursuit of these dreams :)

good luck

btw, i'm 26 and i still haven't got the chance to pursue those due to lack of $$$, but at least i managed to save up money to pay for my masters degree... so, things will happen eventually
參考: myself
2010-10-06 2:52 pm
NNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Oh my god no! No. No. No. No. When I first read this question I though you were going to be like 40 or something. NO, it is not to late for you to start these things. And your motivation for doing them should not be to be good at them as much as it should be to have fun doing them. You can do a lot of these things for cheap. Go on craigslist and buy some cheap used instruments and play around. Try to jam to music you hear, or go on Youtube and watch some how to videos. I like piano and guitar a lot, but any instrument is cool.
As far as ice skating goes, get some used skates and go out and have fun.
Dance around and have fun!! Just do it!!!
You are young. I am your age. Last year I started playing piano and now I'm pretty good and I love it.
2010-10-06 8:35 pm
It's definitely not too late! Never give up on what you want to do!
2010-10-06 7:22 pm
No, you aren't too old. I say do it.
2010-10-06 4:31 pm
Definitely not to late. Grab your chance now before your 50 and wishing that you still did dancing or singing. Like give it a go anyway, but i suppose dancing nd singing is something you have to eb good at to get somewhere but you can jsut do ti for fun or go with friends anyway!!
and if you did figure skating while you were younger, id definitely carry on with it!

Good luck!
2010-10-06 3:21 pm
NO ur not old chase after ur dream!!!

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