I'm really confused.....Help?

2010-10-06 7:30 am
Ok. Imma start w/ facts:
-i play club soccer its my top priority
-Im a freshman in HS
-I tried volleyball for fun this yr and made it onto frosh
-I am in a 6th period soccer class
-i've always been a straight A kid

So like it said Club soccer is my priority and always will b. I just tried out for volleyball for fun and i really like it(not as much as soccer). I've learned about it and i LOVE playing. its so fun. And i really enjoy it. and so now even though its only 2 different sports its like doing three. I do volleyball everyday after school. Tues. and Thurs. are games. Monday Wednesday and sometimes Friday we have weightlifting and running for volleyball. I have to get up at 445 for that. So i do that in the mornings then go to 6th period soccer and then go to volleyball from 2:45-6:00 and then after that i go to my club soccer practice. My day is probably a 16 hour day of like all physical activity. I used to get straight A's and now im on academic probation for a c-. My parents are really worried about my grades and my health because im getting about 4-5 hours of sleep a night. I barely have time to fit in eating, homework, shower etc. My parents dont want me to volleyball but they will support me in anything i choose they are just suggesting. I know part of HS is sports and clubs and stuff but is it sometimes too much? They say my personality has changed and im just not the same. i'm not sure what i shuld do. Shuld i continue what im doing and just learn to make it work....or shuld i....drop volleyball and focus on school work and soccer. I'm not sure what to do...
I;m sorry...its hard to explain
If u understand me culd you give me some advice...
Have u been through that if so any tips?
Whats ur opinion?
Sorry its long!

the other thing is i know im not the 1st to do this so why is it so hard for me to handle....

回答 (3)

2010-10-06 7:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
I honestly think you could make it work. I'm at practice every night from 4-9 and I make it work. It just depends on how much you're willing to give up for sports... Would it be possible for you to take like 2 weeks off from all your stuff besides school and work? The you could see you if you like the free time or if you're bored.
2010-10-06 3:08 pm
glad to hear that you have supportive parents, but seriously, it is very unhealthy for you - I did something similar during my high school years and I ended up getting some rare illness due to high stress and lowered immunity

the lack of sleep is going to be bad for you in the long run - and i even injured my back really bad because of the lack of sleep...

Consider the few things for making your decisions:
1. make sure you have at least 7.5 hours of sleep, even you don't feel very tired without it
2. make sure you have at least 1 hour to eat each meal (if you find yourself squeezing only 5 minutes to chew on a bun, that's an indication you don't have enough time
3. you have at least 1 hour before bed to relax (read a book, listen to music, etc.)
4. you have enough time to finish homework AND review what you learned in school each day

- I know it sounds like a lot of things, but those are really important. I'm sure your parents will be proud of you if you could know how to prioritize your life. By focusing on your top priorities, you can do them better.
參考: myself - overwhelmed myself with over-achievement during my teenage years
2010-10-06 2:54 pm
Sorry, not going to read all that I have to sleep. But I skimmed it, and kinda got the gist. Here is my advice, do what makes you happiest. Seriously. Getting all A's in high school is great. But if your parents are going crazy over a C, then its really not that big of a deal. You have time to bring it up. Happiness is most important.

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