Don't you think that God should have put the bad guys on another planet?

2010-10-05 5:02 pm as not to contaminate the good guys.

回答 (10)

2010-10-05 5:03 pm
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Yes and no.. Without those rotten apples here, we wouldn't know what "good" really is...

Without the bad, we cannot know good. :-)
2010-10-06 12:13 am
No, they need to be converted.
2010-10-06 12:08 am
We would still know what bad is if we lived in a good world.
Because even though you are good there is probably some one thats even more good than you so you would consider yourself bad.

the same goes with bad. You may be bad but the guy next to you may be evil.

get it?
2010-10-06 12:06 am
I think you should grow a brain before you contaminate the smart ones here.
2010-10-06 12:05 am
We're all "bad guys" in somebody elses opinion.
2010-10-06 12:04 am
Then what would be the point. I mean without adversity it's easy to be a good Christian.
2010-10-06 12:04 am
If I were given God-like power, I'd banish all religious people to the Heaven of their choice, and leave the Earth for the atheists.
2010-10-06 12:05 am
IVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS but he must be wanting us to learn something here like satans way doesnt work!!!
2010-10-06 12:04 am
So anyone on the other planet got no chance of being Good while on the other hand anyone on our planet got no chance of being Bad? dude, you're demolishing the entire base on which humanity stands. See, we are what we are cause we are capable of doing both Good & bad and its only up to us to choose which to do and which to fight back.
2010-10-06 1:05 am
That is basically what is going to happen.

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