Why do dogs know their own daily schedule better than we humans do?

2010-10-05 3:04 pm
We set a schedule for our dog when to feed her take her to the bathroom and walk her and sometimes we forget and she whines and barks then we find out.We know that because it is at the exact time we set for her and also when we over sleep she comes to wake us up.

回答 (7)

2010-10-05 3:28 pm
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After living with me for years my dogs are attuned to my facial expression, tone of voice & body language & take their cue on what to expect from me based on what they read & to an extent the schedule they are used to.

Wake up; go outside, breakfast, and one hour later (or thereabouts) walk. After that they watch me like a hawk as I will move things around according to what work need to be done & my priorities for the day.
2010-10-05 3:06 pm
because the dogs schedual revolves around the owner, the owner schedual revolves around what they need to do or have to do depending on the day.
2010-10-05 3:04 pm
Because that is their whole life... we have other things to worry about.
2010-10-05 3:17 pm
I love that my dog knows her schedule. She knows that if we wake up to the alarm clock that I will be leaving for the day so when we come back in after she goes "potty" she goes right to the couch and curls up in her blanket. Yet if we wake up without the alarm she knows that we're going to sleep in a little bit and when we go outside she'll find her tennis ball so we can play while I have my morning coffee. Dogs are creatures of habit like humans so it's inevitable that we became best friends over the centuries.
2010-10-05 3:54 pm
They are creatures of habit (we are too in many ways) and will keep the behaviors going that ensure their survival and happiness. So they'll be quick to remind us if we forget. We follow a clock mostly and they follow our routines and body language and the cues they get from nature (ie. amount of daylight.)
2010-10-05 3:11 pm
As human we have moved away from a sensitivity to the nature rhythms of the world we have invented clocks, alarms, etc. to keep us on schedule - the dogs do it the natural way.
2010-10-05 3:08 pm
The body clock inside a dog is more accurate than ours:P

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