
2010-10-06 3:10 am
樂聖之稱的貝多芬於1770年12月16日出生於德國萊茵河畔的波昂,祖先是荷蘭人,他是音樂世家,祖父是波昂宮庭樂長,爸爸於科隆選帝宮廷禮拜堂擔任男高音歌手及宮廷樂長的職務,貝多芬有兩個年幼的弟弟。 貝多芬年幼時由他爸爸教他彈琴,當他發現貝多芬的音樂天才,就強迫他長時間練琴。但貝多芬真正的啟蒙老師,卻是來自萊比錫的著名作曲家----宮庭樂長倪富,除了教授鋼琴和管風琴外,還教他作曲。 貝多芬8歲時於科隆舉行演奏會 。他10歲左右即成為宮廷樂師。 1789年,貝多芬被送往當時歐洲的音樂中心---維也納學習音樂,並結識仰慕的莫札特,後來因媽媽患上肺結核病危,匆匆趕回波昂,返國後在布魯寧一家的支持下,入波昂大學為旁聽生。媽媽過身後,由於爸爸酗酒,他要在教堂和劇院的樂隊擔任中提琴手,以賺取家庭年生活費,照顧爸爸及兩位年幼的弟弟。同年,貝多芬擔任白朗寧家的鋼琴老師,也與白家的大女兒有了一段沒有結果的初戀 . 17歲前往維也納會見莫札特,被莫札特認為是日後的一顆新星,並從莫札特處學到一些作曲技巧。 1792年貝多芬正式移居維也納,先與有「交響樂之父」之稱的海頓、阿布雷茲親王、薩里耶瑞等大師學習,之後在羅勃科維茲親王、魯道夫大公、金斯基親王等貴族的贊助下,逐漸在維也納尊定了名聲,在維也納貝多芬很快便成為出色的鋼琴家,特別是他即興演奏的本領更受人愛戴。 1800年左右貝多芬的耳疾越來越惡化,到了 48 歲左右就已經完全失聰,日常的會話均用筆談,晚年時期為了姪兒的事情煩惱不已,又為了生活到處奔波,曲子的作風與中期激烈有力者完全不同,代之而起的是簡潔而有深度的思想。 貝多芬1827年3月26日逝世於維也納,終年57歲,死因是貝多芬不小心染上感冒,引發長年來的多種症病而死亡。




回答 (2)

2010-10-06 4:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Klosson said the Beethoven in 1770, was born on December 16 in Bonn, Germany on the Rhine, the Dutch ancestors, he is musical family, my grandfather was a fun palace in Bonn long, and my father in the court of the Elector of Cologne as a chapel tenor and kapellmeister duties, Beethoven has two younger brother.
Beethoven's childhood, his father taught him the piano when he found Beethoven's musical genius, to force him for a long time practicing. Beethoven's first teacher, but really, it is well-known composer from Leipzig ---- palace LE Ni Fu, professor of piano and organ in addition, it also taught him composition.

8 at the age of Beethoven recitals in Cologne. His 10-year-old will become the court musician.

In 1789, Beethoven was sent to Europe at the Music Center --- Vienna to study music and get to know Mozart admired, and later dying due to my mother suffered from tuberculosis, rushed back to Bonn, a return after Bruening support, Rubo Ang University for auditors. Mother lived behind, because my father drinking, he and the theater in the church band as viola, to earn the family living years, to take care of my father and two younger brothers. In the same year, Beethoven's piano teacher as the Browning home, but also with the white family's eldest daughter did not have the results of a first love. 17-year-old went to meet Mozart in Vienna, Mozart was considered a future star, and learn from some of Mozart at the compositional techniques.

Official 1792 Beethoven moved to Vienna, first with the "father of the symphony," said Haydn, Prince of Abu Alvarez, Surrey Yerui other masters study, Robert Kewei Zi after the Prince, Prince Rudolph, Kinski under the auspices of the Prince and other nobles, and gradually set the reputation of respect in Vienna, in Vienna, Beethoven soon became an excellent pianist, especially his ability to jam even more beloved.

2010-10-05 20:57:03 補充:
大多字佢唔比- -

2010-10-05 21:00:09 補充:
仲有D冇左- -

參考: 電腦翻譯
2010-10-14 3:09 am
我5明!!!............ = =

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