Can someone please give me advice on my senior project idea?

2010-10-05 1:19 am
I live in NC and we have to do a Senior project for graduation. It's starting to get cold now and I was thinking of doing a clothes drive for the kids at our local schools that won't be able to afford things like winter coats. I'm not really sure how to go about this, though, and also not sure if it will be acceptable as a Senior project ( Though if I can figure out how to get it done in time I'd still like to have the drive even without credit. ) Any advice on how I could make this work, and if it would be able to count towards my Senior project?

回答 (2)

2010-10-05 1:27 am
Great idea. While I think you have to confirm with your teacher whether you can count that as a senior project, I think the coat drive will make a big impact. I've some experience doing that and you will find it really rewarding in the end. And you don't really need to have any monetary investment. I suggest the following:
1. Write a plan on how to do so (see below)
2. Present the plan to your teacher. Ask your teacher whether you can do it for credit
3. Research on organizations that have done that to see if they're interested in partnering
4. Revise plan

What you need in the plan:
Why? - why there is a need, provide some numbers, search for statistics
Who? - who will benefit, who will be involved, how many people
When? - when would you like to do that, for how long
Where? - where to collect/store the clothing** this is the part when partnerships will be important
How? More details on how to qualify who to get the coats, what coats to accept, how to distribute coats, etc. etc.

Don't have to be long at #1, just write a page up and show to your teacher. and ask for the teacher's feedback
參考: myself
2010-10-05 1:27 am
What about educating people about HPV and its link to cervical cancer? It is something that people in your age group would certainly benefit from knowing. Young women are often embarrassed about getting pap smears and taking control of their health. You could save a life with this project. :-)

Good Luck!

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