
2010-10-05 1:27 am
My textbook states that for simple molecular structure, most are insoluble in water, for ionic compound, most are soluble, while giant covalent structure and metallic structure, they are insoluble.

So how can I know whether a compound is soluble or not? I know there is always exception in science, like calcium carbonate is insoluble in water. Is there any rule for some common groups of compound so we can determine the solubility in water easier?


回答 (2)

2010-10-14 5:30 am
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what i interpreted is, you're asking "what kind of ionic compounds are soluble / insoluble in water". correct me if you think i've misinterpreted.

i guess there's a chapter in chemistry book about acid-base reaction / salt, which includes a table telling which compounds are soluble, which are not. now i'm trying to give some guidelines:

1. all sodium, potassium and ammonium salts are soluble.
2. all nitrate salts are soluble.
3. all hydrogencarbonate salts are soluble.
4. all chloride (halide) salts <Except silver & lead> are soluble.
5. all sulphate salts <Except silver, lead, calcium-- and below like barium> are soluble.

6. unless specified above, all carbonate salts are insoluble.
7. unless specified above, all oxides are insoluble.
(sodium oxide, potassium oxide and calcium oxide reacts with water)
8. unless specified, all hydroxides are insoluble.
(calcium hydroxide is slightly soluble, hydroxides of metals below calcium are soluble, like barium hydroxide)

generally it summarizes the compounds commonly encountered.

ps. for simple molecular compounds, if they reacts with water, probably it'd also be soluble. like carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide (components for acid rain).

for organic compounds, if they contain more oxygen atoms, they're more soluble. simple alcohols / alkanols like methanol, ethanol (drinking alcohol) and propan-2-ol (rubbing alcohol) are miscible in water.
2010-10-05 8:49 pm
"like dissolve like" rule.
it means, the same type/structure substances dissolve in the same type/structure substances(mostly for simple molecular structure)
exceptional case r always present. just recite it~ur textbook should hv already gave u enough example for ur exams.
for water~ it depends on if the substances r polar or H-bond~
if it is polar & with H-bond~ then it must be soluble in water.
except : the long carbon chain molecules~for example C17HxOx~ since there r too many C&H , then it becomes not very soluble although it has H-bond and polar

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