chemistry lab report easy ques

2010-10-04 10:05 pm
1.) Unknown compound X is one of the four compound listed in the table below. A mixture of X with phenyl succinate melts at 120-121°C, a mixture of X with benzoic acid melts at 88-89 °C , and a mixture of X with m-aminophenol melts at 102-103°C. based on these results, identify compound X and carefully explain your reasoning.

compound:o-toluic acid,phenyl succinate, benxoic acid, m-aminophenol
melting point(°C):102,121,121,122

回答 (1)

2010-10-05 1:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
X is phenyl succinate. very easy to figure out.

when two Different compounds are mixed, the melting point of mixture drops (know as melting point depression).

when X is mixed with m-aminophenol and benzoic acid separately, the melting points of mixtures drop. however, when X is mixed with phenyl succinate, melting point doesn't drop, suggesting that the mixture is still a PURE substance. therefore, X can only be phenyl succinate.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 23:19:42
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