Econ: Opportunity cost (急)

2010-10-04 2:13 am

1. 去買演唱會的飛,要給 $ 200 和 用一小時排隊。
2. 去琴行教授鋼琴,賺取$150.

請問他的Opportunity cost of 以上每一個選擇是甚麼?

Miss 話如果那個人選擇(1), 去買演唱會飛,他的opportunity cost 是 $200 (money cost) + $150 (time cost in terms of the income forgone in teaching piano)。 但Opportunity cost 不就是 highest-valued option forgone, 即 去琴行教琴所損失的 150元咩?

Thank You for your help!

回答 (3)

2010-10-04 2:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
無錯Opportunity cost 就是 highest-valued option forgone.
如果你選擇(1), 你就會放棄左(1)入邊既$200買飛同埋1個鐘既排隊時間..

姐係 選擇(1)既$200買飛同埋1個鐘既排隊時間,
兼 選擇(2)教琴賺既$150 呢個係full-cost concept

參考: 自己
2010-10-04 4:06 am
the highest-valued option forgone係最高價值forgone,$200+1hr > $150,so個ans係$200+1hr
ps去琴行教琴所損失的 150元大唔過200蚊+1hr
參考: 自己
2010-10-04 2:23 am
In economics, the opportunity cost is the highest value forgone. In a simple example, If a person can choose to go for a party or study during one hour, then, the OC for going to the party is the studying time and the OC for study is party, this is a basic assumption but it cannot be applied in your question because your question has the time given which will affect the OC.

For example, If that person chooses to go the concert, he has to paid and spend 1 hour, so the opportunity cost is his cost and the 1 hour because he has to spend on his expenditure, as he goes to buy the ticket only, it will not give him the direct satisfaction, so, it is his opportunity cost. As a conclusion, this is a tricky question, e.g, if the question said that he goes for a concert or he can teach piano, the opportunity cost of going to the concert is the money earned for piano lessons.

* this is tricky because he only goes to buy the ticket but not to enjoy it.
參考: my econ knowledge

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