al econ ->if a then b concept

2010-10-03 9:18 pm
al econ ->關於if a then b concept問題

有本econ教科書話if a then b ge (a )=theory (b )=hypothesis/implication
但本野之後又有講 theory 係一個 "if a then b " ge statement e.g if rain then has clouds 呢度ge a 就變左係postulate 而 b 就係outcome
而implications又係以"if a then b "ge形式 即又係包含左 "a" 同 "b" 而且係觀察到的(書講的)
如果好似書咁講 姐係 theory(a) 入面又有一個 if a then b ge statemant : hypothesis/implication (b) 入面又有一個 if a then b ge statemant
咁if a then b ge "a" 同 "b" 究竟係指咩 ?

回答 (2)

2010-10-05 12:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
問題不在if a then b ge "a" 同 "b"
問題是(a )=theory (b )=hypothesis/implication

Theory has its own assumptions, under this assumptions, If a then b ge statement, i.e. under this theory, if a then b would be the outcome.

hypothesis/implication are the assumption of the questions, i.e. If a, we assume b will be the outcome.
2010-10-05 6:29 am
有人係咁答話if a then b 係有 2 ways.
1.If theory(unobservable), then testable implications(observable
2.If constraint(observable), then behavior(observable
我睇書係好似 way (1)咁講話 a係theory , 但我張5常本經濟解釋又話"假設人都會為自己爭取最大的行益(a),在局限條件下, 每個人都會努力工作(b)" 咁睇 (a)又似乎係assumption 而(b)是implication 其實係點?

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