an email to my lab instructor

2010-10-03 5:21 pm
well, here's the story::
i didnt go the my lab group on tue(28/9), due to medical reasons. and i wish to join the lab group that im not enrolled in. (there r lab groups every mon n tue, but i plan on joining the wk after *11/12 Oct*...reason being...*personal reason* and i juz dont wanna go to my lab. but i guess i cant possibly tell him that coz its my own damn fault for not attending my 28/9 lab.
i figured it would be easier to tell him in person, but he wasn't in his *office* on thur and fri(it seems he was there on both days but i juz missed him).
when i said his "office", it's actually an office for a few(6-7) research students and it says on the door that my lab instructor is an PhD student = =" i reli dont know if he has the authority to decide but...anyway..i'll ask him first.

以上,plz also *hint* that i went to the doctor the next day and i hv medical certificate(29/9)
我send比佢的email要點寫好呢?? 用咩語氣? 洗唔洗formal呢..? 唉..好唔慣...PLZ HELP*
thx a bunch*=)

回答 (3)

2010-10-05 1:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
i didnt go the my lab group on tue(28/9), due to medical reasons. and i wish to join the lab group that im not enrolled in. (there r lab groups every mon n tue, but i plan on joining the wk after *11/12 Oct
I was unable to attend the lab group on Tue (28/9) due to medical reasons. I wish to join the lab group on 11/12 Oct. [you need to be specific - "after 11/12 Oct" sounds like you want 18/19 Oct or 25/26 Oct, the lab instructor is unable to guess which date you wish to attend]
Would you kindly schedule me for either date and confirm in reply?
Thank you.
2010-10-04 9:26 pm
I am regretted that I haven't attend the my lab group on 28/9 due to sickness. I don't know if it's possible for making arrangement for me to join the lab group on 11/10 or 12/10 that I haven't enrolled. I can present the doctor's certificate to proof my absence if required.

Please let me know if you have any query. Thanks in advance for the attention.

2010-10-06 21:29:50 補充:
Your email is not a formal communication & I think you can leave it blank or 'Best regards' will be ok.
2010-10-03 10:30 pm


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