
2010-10-03 11:00 am

回答 (3)

2010-10-03 6:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A MTR passenger who was found a key in key hole on the staff accessible gate and took it in possession. Case revealed that the construction worker defendant had used a stolen key to unlock the staff accessible gate to leave the fare paying area in main concourse of MTR Mong Kok station on July this year, his strange act was alerted a plain clothes officer to search him in result of a pair of keys were discovered tucked in pocket of his pants are MTR property.The suspension penalty and fine will be granted to him are consideration by the magistrate due to plea guilty and confession to the charge with no criminal record.
2010-10-03 10:38 pm


2010-10-03 8:22 pm
MTR when a worker found a key inserted in the dedicated staff of the gate, then left to take away their own use.
The court heard that in July this year, construction workers serving the defendant, using the keys open the MTR Mong Kok Station lobby dedicated staff of the gate, leaving the paid area. An undercover police officer felt suspicious, officers stopped, two suspects were seized from the defendant pocket are the keys of the Corporation. The magistrate taking into account the defendant has no criminal record and confessed to their crimes, sentenced to probation and fines.
參考: google 翻译

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