My nasty cat has hit our new German Shepherd puppy's eye with his paw and his eye is cloudy now.?

2010-10-02 1:06 pm
My nasty cat has hit our new German Shepherd puppy's eye with his paw and his eye is cloudy now. He doesn't seem bothered at all. Is this eye anything to worry about? If it is, what do you think I should do?

回答 (9)

2010-10-02 1:16 pm
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Yes, for sure!

To prevent permanent damage, get to a vet now -- today!!

I dont' run to a vet for every little thing, but this is a BIG thing
參考: Show breeder
2010-10-02 8:22 pm
This puppy needs a vet NOW or he could lose the eye.

Make sure there is a gated area in your home so the cat can get away from the puppy - and look into getting the cat some Soft Paws so this doesn't happen again:

You NEVER want to treat this sort of thing by yourself - and any eye ointment should be discarded after the injury is healed. It should be applied by putting a small amount on a clean swab, so that nothing ever touches the tube or it can grow bacteria in a very short time - and be more of a harm than a help.

Many ointements contain steroids such as cortisone, which you NEVER want to put on an injured eye, or it will prevent it from healing correctly.

You vet will help you treat this properly - please get this puppy there as soon as you can.
2010-10-02 8:12 pm
Yes it certainly is something to be worried about.
Get this dog to a vet pronto. His eye may have ulcerated and you don't want to risk him losing the sight of the eye.
The longer you leave it the worse it will get. Though the dog is not showing pain because dogs are very stoic, he will be in pain.
2010-10-02 8:34 pm
Needs to see the vet today, even if it is the E-vet. As already explained the danger is ulceration and eventual loss of vision in that eye.
2010-10-02 9:17 pm
This is definitely of great concern and you should seek veterinary advice immediately, failing to seek help in this sort of situation could be deemed by many as neglect. At worst your puppy could lose the sight in that eye, veterinary attention whilst expensive may save it or prevent further deterioration.

Your cat is not nasty it is just exhibiting natural behaviour. His or her lifestyle has changed significantly and you are all going to have to make adjustments. Perhaps you can introduce them more gradually and provide time out by giving them separate places for at least some of the time. It is possible to keep dogs and cats together happily and your puppy is an ideal age for introduction but it can't be rushed and both parties need to be given time to adjust and bond. Hope this helps
2010-10-02 8:12 pm
Yea, i would have the vet check it since it has changed the eye. I would also work on introductions!
2010-10-02 8:09 pm
Can he still see out of the eye. Best to get him to a vets in case he gets an infection. The cat was only defending him/herself. Hope you puppy is ok. All the best...............
2010-10-02 8:25 pm
I'm sure your cat was only being playful, but I really think you should have your vet check that eye out!! I sure hope it's not going to go blind. If you can, could you let me know how it's doing in a week or two? from "AN ANIMAL LOVER"
2010-10-02 8:17 pm
If you have antiseptic eye ointment in the house, you should get some into the puppy's eye. He could lose sight if he has an infection.

Once my Yorkie, grown up dog, was hit by a cat in the eye but in the white part. He didn't show any pain but his little eye turned red. I noticed it about an hour after this happened and I applied anticeptic eye ointment to this eye. A few hours later he was still okay and seemed better the next morning. So I just kept applying the eye ointment as instructed on the label. He was okay after a couple of days.

My yorkie was very lucky that the cat's paw was 'clean'. I have no idea what it's like your end so I would suggest taking the puppy to the vet now just in case. You would blame yourself later should the puppy ever suffer from more serious problems later on.

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