Do my dog has rabies..?Cant help myself?

2010-10-02 12:49 pm
Last week I bought a 4 month old German shepherd puppy from a kennel,They said puppy is fully vaccinated from a famous vet of our city (Dr. Jasspreet from vetsforpets).But on second day when i brought him home he did not ate anything except meat and eggs.He did not want to play he was just laying..I took him to PAU vet. hospital.They Tested his blood and gave him treatment,but my dog has 5gms of blood.and that started to eat and showed his interest in playing.
But after few days same problem repeated again,but now a thin saliva like foam was coming out of his mouth..he barks with his mouth closed and when i touched his chewing bone that tried to bite me.Then i gave him rabies shot at home thought if breeder lied about vaccination.Are these the symptoms of rabies..?? And also i have a 3 month Dogue De Bordeaux that was got rabies shot a 2 days before.. that plays with GSD Do i also need to give him rabies shot again if my GSD shows these symptoms..?Please Help I am First Time Pet owner.

回答 (9)

2010-10-02 1:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I doubt that even a vet couldn't diagnose your dog on line. If he didn't say anything when he examined your dog you don't need to worry too much.

In some countries dogs need rabies shots once a year but in certain countries once every three years. So you don't need to give the other dog more shots.

Your GSD was just mad at you when you touched his chewing bone. It's bad that he tried to bite you. It's got nothing to do with rabies. He needs discipline.

Every time you feed him, you should disturb him playfully while he eats. This training will make him grow into a generous adult dog which doesn't guard food like he did with his chewing bone. It is very important you train him this way as he needs to be corrected at this age before it is too late. Otherwise you will get into trouble if a little kid touches GSD's toy and gets bitten.
2010-10-02 12:53 pm
You are a first time pet owner and also you are a full blown idiot. If the dog is foaming at the mouth then the rabies shot you gave him could have given him a light dose of rabbies. take both of the dogs to the vet----NOW
參考: VET
2010-10-02 1:23 pm
Salvia does not mean rabies!! If it did, every newfoundland in the country would be rabid...

He's sick, get him to a vet.

DON'T KEEP GIVING MORE AND MORE RABIES VACCINATIONS -- you are making them sick!! Rabies vaccinations are good for a year (as a pup) and then three years thereafter (usually by law, but guess what, eveidence says a shot as an adult is good for the LIFE of the dog)

Also, what your doing is silly -- if a dog has a diease already vaccinating them DOES NOT HELP.

Take the dog back to the vet, tell them the silly thing you did and get the dog treatment.

Easy to know if the dog was vaccinated, why didn't you JUST CALL the vet clinic where it was done and ASK.
參考: Show breeder
2010-10-02 1:17 pm
Your question makes no sense and you have no idea what you're doing...or talking about.
2010-10-02 1:00 pm
It Is my understanding a vet has to be present when rabies shot is given.FYI: Dog has to be bitten by rabid animal in order to get rabies I believe.You are first time dog owner with a GSD and a Dogue De Bordeaux? ( Hmm! Strange)..........
2016-06-02 9:58 am
Which has more integrity, a Christian or a dog? At least the dog doesn't insult an entire population based on the actions of few. In fact, a dog would lick them. Edit: We'd only be proving you right if we were commenting in response to a religious aimed question as opposed to a question DIRECTED at atheists. I dare you to respond to me and prove that you *aren't* a completely imbecile and actually have something worth while to say But you don't. And you're a coward that believes making fun of people with higher intelligence than you is a way of compensating for your lack of a brain and balls.
2010-10-02 1:20 pm
I think your jumping the gun on your poor animals....LEAVE THEM ALONE, and take them to another vet with your concerns. Try practicing your grammar instead...You have used words in your letter that don't even go with what your saying...For instance is your dogs name "DO"?
or DOES your dog HAVE rabies?
2010-10-02 1:01 pm
Unfortunately you can not give a rabies shot at home so it's best that you ask your parents for better guidance. If you Truly want to learn about dogs and animals that please do so. If you continue to want to play games the internet has safe sites for that as well. If your for real then the vet can do a rabies skin test. Otherwise if he doesn't have access to that he will need to euth your dog, cut off his head and send his brain to be checked while you and your family undergo a series of rabies shots.
2010-10-02 12:50 pm
The Vet should tell you if your dog has rabies.

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