
2010-10-02 8:07 pm
那個遊戲的網站全都是一種策略類的遊戲,那種遊戲是 遊戲一開始會有幾個選擇比你,之後你按了其中一個選擇,它就會彈or變出來,之後你再按第二個選擇之後,第一個選擇就會升了一級........................................
(不是 oniexxx game)

回答 (4)

2010-10-03 1:08 am
你說的應該是養成的game, in yahoo search, it has so many.
2010-10-02 8:59 pm
i dom't realy understand what are you talking about
but you can try to use these......


or you can go to yahoo then you seach 遊戲網站 maybe can

i hope i can help you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
參考: me
2010-10-02 8:29 pm
自己上265g找which has many games

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