Yorkie puppy coloring and other questions?

2010-10-02 4:14 am
My yorkie's blue hair is coming in nicely. but am I supposed to cut the black or will it continue to fade out on it's own??? Also any grooming tips would be great :)

I keep her hair long (its maybe 3inches right now at 7months) and I bath her once or twice a week and brush her twice a day, her hair isn't tangled and is pretty silky. should I still take her to the groomers every now and then?

Also she has gained only .1 of a lb in 2 months. she is by no mean underweight she is filled out nicely, she weighs 2.6lbs should she get any larger? Her parents were 5 and 7lbs so I thought she would be a good size?

Thanks :) from me and my yorkie, Moxie

I was wondering about the bathing. I do shampoo her and then use puppy conditioner to help her skin but I wouldn't want to overdo it... how often should I bathe her? once a week? everyother week?


she was just at the vet yesterday for a check up (I thought she was walking funny) I asked about the weight gain and he said it was unusaul but she checked out fine and is perfectly healthy. I WAS overfeeding her in the begining and she has slimmed down since then (she was pretty overweight :( and that was my fault and I have since fixed it). My vet thinks this is why she gained so little... she was growing AND losing the extra fat at the same time now that I am feeding her the correct amount.

回答 (5)

2010-10-02 4:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have had two yorkies, father and son.

They come as little black rats and grow up to have messed up hair on the head throughout the next 9 months or so. They will look like proper yorkies when they are about one year old.

You don't need to do anything during this process. Just bear with it as they do look odd. They don't really need trimming unless you want them to have one. Just keep brushing and tie up the long hair at the top of the head would do fine.

Don't wash them too often. Brushing twice a day would be good enough to get rid of their body odour, dead hair and tangles. Mine were never shampooed that often, only once every month or even two in winter.

I wiped their little bellies and feet with a wet cloth every time they have been out and then brushed out all the dirt in the fur. Brushing is great and shampooing too frequently is damaging as it takes away the natural grease off their hair. Without this natural coating the hair will get dryer and dryer.

For Daddy Yorkie I give him an all round haircut once. He used to go jogging with me so it was necessary during his prime years. But, when he was about 9 I let him grow his hair long againg and the outcome was disappointing. He became sort of wired hair!! His son had such long silky hair so he looked unattractive.

Puppies usually grow into the average size of their parents. But in our case, my grandson and his sister added up to the total weight of their parents. However, my grandson Rambo was only 5 lb and his sister was 7-8 lb.

One more tip, I used to put hair conditioner at the tip of their hair after each shampoo. They look good with a little bun on top of the head. Rambo always had a jet plane clip. My favourite was a helicopter.
2016-06-02 8:12 pm
The Yorkies change colors as they turn into adults.
2010-10-02 4:21 am
it will fade out as the coat continues to grow.

You dont need to take to a groomer if you can manage her coat on your own. Ifyou want to take her now and then for a little trim tho, its your c hoice. I dont reccommend bathing THAT often tho, as you can dry out the skin and coat, and make the coat brittle. Daily brushing is enough to keep the coat free of debris.

If she's only 7 months old, she's not done growing yet. Im not sure if she will get as large as her parents, but she will get a little bigger than what she is now. Size of parents isnt an accurate way to guess adult size of a pup.. she does also have the genetics of her grandparents, great grandparents, great-great grandparents.. etc. A pup can end up larger or smaller than its parents if there are genes present for larger or smaller sizes.. its called throwback genetics.


once a month, or only when dirty/smelly.
2010-10-02 4:21 am
you don't have to cut it because it will fade, if u want to take her to a groomers do so but please only take her to people you trust or know because iv had my dog shaved without asking! also make sure she is on a healthy balanced diet with exercise every day if possiable but every second day is fine.
參考: my mother is a vet
2010-10-02 4:25 am
You need to cut the black. If you don't it will not fade out on its own.

If she has only gained 0.1 lb in 2 months, you are doing something wrong. Check with your vet, because this puppy sounds like it is dying.

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