How to convince my mom to get me another dog?

2010-10-02 3:14 am
Okay, So we already got a pomeranian for my b-day. And on christmas i want a toy yorkie because i think it would be nice to have two dogs. My mom said she'd think about it, But she said it was alot of work to have two dogs. But my pomeranian is already trained and all. So how do you think i could convince her into getting another puppy for christmas? Please no rude answers saying im a brat or something like that...

i got her in june (: Trust me she's well trained. whats the point of wasting your time just to say im spoiled? its kind of stupid don't you think? :)


and i do love my pom. I love animals. and i think it would be nice to have two companions. Im not throwing a tantrum or anything.. i just want to know how i could convince her..

回答 (6)

2010-10-02 3:30 am
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When your mom said it was a lot of work, do you mean you don't take care of your dog and she ends up doing everything?

Two points here, one good one bad for having an additional dog:

1. I have had two yorkies and I used to brush their hair before I brush my own every morning. Of course you can give it a crew cut but I love to see them wearing a little blonde bun on the little head so I had to spend time brushing them everyday.

If you solemnly promise your mom you will deal with this 2 x 15-minute brushing/day. She might agree to have another dog. But how do you fit this part-time job into your school schedule? If Yorkies are not groomed they look a real mess and it is a pain to have such a scruffy looking creature at home.

2. Dogs live in packs so two dogs will mean leaving your mom alone. When the dogs are left home alone they play and sleep together and you and your family won't feel so worried about the poor little puppy being lonely at home.

I always give my dog a puppy after a couple of years. The first dog literally trains his puppy. With the companionship of the puppy he wouldn't be attention seeking quite so much.

One thing though, you must treat your Pom as No. 1 dog and the Yorkie No. 2 for the first 6 months or so until they grow into their natural placement at home. For example I now have a Peke and then a Cocker. The Cocker sometimes snatches things from the Peke but the Peke just let him. I think they've already accepted which is the big brother here.

Whatever I did with them, the Peke always came first, right from the start. Eg, when I handed out snacks, Cocker the pig always wanted to jump the queue but I never gave in. No matter how troublesome it was to get him sit down and wait I still did it. Once the Peke got his share then the Cocker would.

It is good training for you too -- preliminary management skill! You'll need to be very consistent and self-disciplined as well as observant. If you don't handle this properly you'll have two dogs fighting for everything.
2010-10-02 3:21 am
Be happy with the pup you already have. There are plenty of kids on here crying about not being allowed to have a dog, and you want a second one. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just trying to put things into perspective. Love the dog you have, and be happy with it. Dog's aren't things that you ask for, get bored of, then get another one that's new and a cute little puppy. I hate to say it, but if I were your parents, I'd say no in a heartbeat.
參考: Dog Trainer, Owner, Shelter Worker
2010-10-02 3:27 am
You should be thankful to have ONE dog.. there are many kids that come here wanting to know how to convince mom to even get them ONE dog.

Mom already said she'd "think about it".. stop harrassing her about it. 2 dogs are extra work, and also extra money.. and you're mom may not be ready for the expense of a second dog yet. Keep taking care of the one you have now... do your chores without being asked, and keep your grades up (because mom cannot seriously think about another dog when you cant handle your current expectations)
2010-10-02 3:19 am
Lets see how many things can your pom do how well trained?

I bet your dog barely knows anything train the first dog, stop being spoiled.
2010-10-02 3:29 am
it is nice to have 2 dogs because they enjoy playing together however does your pom socialize with other dogs, i would advise you to socialize the pom if she/he is not. I would also encourage you as you are such a young owner to read up about the behaviour of yorkies as they really do have the heart of a lion in a little body.

your mum is right 2 dogs is a lot of work, and i will not call you spoilt but are you ready to have 2 dogs of your own? soon you will busy with school work and also busy with boys, sometimes dogs get put on the back burner when young teens get older and the dogs don't understand why.

all i can say is look at yourself first in an honest light, is one dog not enough? you are growing up and things do change. when parents say we will see it usually means yes
2016-09-21 8:34 pm
Make certain that you simply do the matters that your mom already asks you to do. If you can not do what she desires now, how are you able to deal with a puppy. Also this shall be well whilst you want tips to again up your declaration of being in charge adequate for a puppy. Dogs are high-priced so I could advocate saving cash for a couple of months. This suggests your mother that you're in charge and that you simply particularly desire the puppy. Discuss together with your mother all the matters that you've got written. Don't get mad if she says no. Unlike your sisters cellphone telephone, the puppy shall be round for for much longer and be a lot more high-priced. And puppies are a lot more effected than cellphone telephones if matters don't figure out. If you can not have enough money your cellphone telephone you cancel the provider however if you happen to can not have enough money a puppy, it's merciless to do away with it.

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