Are Maltese or Pomerarians good dogs?

2010-10-02 2:50 am
My dad might get us a dog!! we've been wannting one.He might get us a maltese/pomerrarian type dog like a little white fuzz ball/snowball dog.Are they good dogs?Or are they mean and bite?

回答 (11)

2010-10-02 3:08 am
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What you make of your puppy is the kind of dog he will become.

They both need a lot of brushing. If you do it daily either one will become a real doll. If not, it will be just one messed up ball of fluff.

See what I mean it is entirely up to you to make your dog good or bad.

Two tips which I found most useful in bringing up puppies:

1. ensure they don't become mean and bite at will -- every time you feed your puppy make sure you stroke his little body gently and say sweet-nothing to him, while he is digging in. Once he is used to this shift his bowl a little and then push it back like a flash. This will make him feel that you play a game with him. Do it every time every day for the first few months and then daily afterwards.

The benefit of this is to stop him from food guarding. When people have dogs jumping up and growl for no reason, it is mostly because of someone passing through his belonging/toys/bones a few meters away. Some normally sweet dogs even attack when someone inadvertantly picks up some toy from the floor. But if you train your puppy consistently like this, never leave him alone when he eats, he will think even food can be part of a game and couldn't care less even if you pull food or toys out of his teeth.

2. toilet training -- a puppy has to urge to go after sleep, play and food. Confine him to his toilet area afterwards and watch him. After he has done it praise in a pleasant voice so that he knows it pleases you if he did it there.

Before they are 5 months old, puppies don't have proper bladder control. If he has an accident and you manage to catch him on the spot, say NO in an unpleasant voice but don't yell as that would scare and confuse him. Then take him to his toilet area and say good boy nicely.

Puppies need to like you in order to trust you and it is in their nature to do what they can to please you. Be consistent. They only need to know rights from wrongs and they usually tell the difference between your tone of voice.

They go by smell so if they do leave anything behind you must clean up and then spray diluted bleach or vinegar to kill the smell. After a few minutes wipe it again with water. Be careful with carpets. So you should watch him after sleep, food and play.

It is not cruel to confine the puppy into his area or crate. For the puppy, it is his safe haven, home where he would rest and play without interference.

They need vaccination shots at 8, 12, 16 weeks. Before they are fully vaccinated it is not a good idea to watch small breed puppies outside. They are like little babies and could easily contract something.

Good luck and enjoy puppyhood with him!
2010-10-02 2:52 am
Any dog has the potential to be a good dog. It's all about how its raised. If you don't give it guidance and correction, and treat it like a human, then no they aren't good dogs and will eventually start biting and whatnot. But if you train your dog and give it guidance either a great dane or chihuahua, it will be a good dog. :)
2010-10-02 2:51 am
It is up to the owner to MAKE a "good dog". Puppies don't come pre-trained.
2010-10-02 4:18 am
Like any breed of dog, they will be what you make of it. Treat it like a dog and train it and you will have a well adjusted pleasant family member. Treat it like a toy or baby and you will have an ill-mannered spoiled, barking brat.

I don't have any experience owning a Maltese, but I know some well trained sweet ones.

Here is an example of what a pomeranian can do.

What more could you want in a dog????
2010-10-02 3:31 am
I prefer Maltese. What about you?
2010-10-02 2:53 am
If you train them, any dog is good. There are NO bad dogs, only bad owners. Some breeds, like the guarding and fighting breeds, may be a bit predisposed to be snappy but if properly trained aggression shouldn't ever be a problem.
2016-04-21 11:47 am
ABOUT THE MALTESE BREED Temperament: The Maltese is spirited, lively and playful. Gentle, loving, trusting and devoted to its master. Highly intelligent. Good at learning tricks if he feels sufficiently rewarded. Bold and quick to sound the alarm in case of suspicious noises. It is a classical companion dog; graceful and lovable. They do well with other animals. Maltese love to play outdoors but have a penchant for jumping in puddles. A bath must follow! These dogs can be snappish with inconsiderate children and may be difficult to housebreak. Sometimes they are picky eaters. Include small biscuits and dry dog food in this breed's regular diet to help the teeth stay strong and healthy. Do not over-pamper or overprotect these little dogs, for some become unstable, and some may become jealous of visitors. Some more info: Health Problems: Prone to sunburn along the hair parting; skin, respiratory, eye and tooth problems, and slipped stifle. Some may be difficult to feed with weak, upset digestion. They may get the chills, and they experience discomfort in hot weather. Maltese should be kept out of damp areas. It is a good idea to paper-train this breed - to avoid going out in weather extremes. Grooming: Daily combing and brushing of the long coat is important but be gentle, as the coat is very soft. Clean the eyes daily to prevent staining, and clean the beard after meals for the same reason. Bathe or dry shampoo regularly - making sure the animal is thoroughly dry and warm afterward. Clean the ears, and pull out hair growing inside the ear canal. The eyes should be checked regularly and cleaned if necessary. The hair on the top of the head is often tied up in a topknot to keep it away from the eyes. Some pet owners opt to clip the hair short for easier and less time consuming grooming. The Maltese sheds little to no hair and is good for allergy sufferers.
2010-10-02 3:02 am
It's all about what you mean by the word 'good'. If you just want a dog that is going to sit there and being cute, Maltese and Poms are the right dog for you. But if you want a dog that is going to alert or bark and protect you from strangers, they can't do that. If you have allergies to dog fur, Maltese's are good for you cuz they have hair like us. If you have kids at home and going to let the babies play with the dog unsupervised, Maltese's are not the dog for you. And concern about grooming, schedules, time, money, effort, health issues, and stuff like that. And be prepared for the worst case.
Good luck, recommend to check or watch Dogs 101 on ANimal Planet
2010-10-02 2:52 am
They are high maintenance dogs if you keep them looking good.
2010-10-02 3:27 am
Poms are little assholes. I would consider a Maltese.

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