I am a female with peach fuzz, should i shave?

2010-10-01 11:46 pm
I am 17 years old. Female. I have dark thick hair on my head, and armpits. The hair everywhere else is blonde. i have peach fuzz everywhere : ( and it seems to me that the peach fuzz on my face(also blonde) is noticable. I am very white and the makeup i wear makes it even more noticable, ive tried changing makeup and FAIL. and i do not have the money to get it lasered (obv. i'm 17). it doesn't need bleach because its already blonde. and i dont want to wax.. so is shaving a good way to take care of it?

回答 (9)

2010-10-01 11:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes. As a man, peach fuzz on a women's upper lip is extremely unattractive.
2010-10-02 2:40 am

I had a coworker who had the same problem, and she began to shave her face, and needless to say, she now has to shave every night, and she gets five'o'clock shadow. Odds are, shaving WILL make it grow back darker, and if it's blonde, its probably not even noticeable to anyone other than yourself. what do you think is less attractive? A little peach fuzz, or a thick beard?

once again, DO NOT SHAVE IT.
2010-10-01 11:52 pm
DON'T shave - well, from my own experience, shaving makes the hair harder - sounds like a myth but I feel that's the case for me.
if you're only concerned about the hair on certain areas such as your upper lip, try tweezing that out, but yes, it hurts!

find a "threading" place locally. it's usually under $20. but it can be quite painful and may irritate your skin too.

but honestly, it's OK to have peach fuzz, don't worry too much :)
2016-10-06 3:30 pm
which would be occurring for something of your existence! in case you haven't any longer have been given the Brad Pitt (US actor) scruffy beard, then save the peach fuzz shaved. It would not seem very alluring to have stray hairs (fuzz) on distinctive areas of your face.
2015-05-27 7:40 pm
I honestly think women with peach fuzz are the most attractive women ever period and the natural. I'm dying to find me a women who has it especially on the upper lip and on the back area it's beautiful to me. Don't ever shave it trust me most men like it more then guys that don't like it.
2010-10-01 11:50 pm
No, it will grow longer and faster, trust me.
Buy tweezers and pluck off the long and tooo noticable ones.
Then go to a store and ask if they have hair remover... they work AMZINGLY.
Last don't emphasize your makeup it will make your fuzz show up worser.
Apply some lipgloss eyeshadow and mascara and that should be PERFECT!
Email me if you have any more questions.
2010-10-01 11:49 pm
Shaving does not make it grow back thicker, stronger or anything else. However shaving it as opposed to waxing will cause the end of the hairs to be blunt and more noticeable. Waxing doesn't sound like fun (I wouldn't want to wax my face), but I think you will be happier with the result in the long run. And don't worry lots of girls have this problem.
參考: Me. I'm a dude who likes chics.
2010-10-01 11:48 pm
I'm the exact same way as you. I shave any hair that I'm not happy with. It just depends on what you're comfortable with.

Any hair that you shave will come back thicker, though, so beware of that.
2010-10-01 11:48 pm
get a gillette fusion power!
參考: hairy muff

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