i have a quick question about taking my temperature because i am not feeling good?

2010-10-01 11:05 pm
i took my temperature earlier today because because i stayed home from work because i was sick. i went to find the oral thermomter but then i went to use it i found out that it was dead. and unfortunately the only thermometer i found that worked was a rectal thermometer, so much to my dismay i took my temp rectally and my temp was 99.1. i mean i didn't want to take my temperature rectally at all but the oral thermometer was broken and the rectal thermometer was all i had. yeah i took my temp rectally and i hated it so bad, the whole 5 minutes it was in me i was thinking is time up yet. it was a horrible experience for me, it is not something that i want every time i am sick i can tell u that much. i just wanted to get it over with. i am going to take my temp again 2night before bedtime, i after what happened earlier today i DO NOT AT ALL WISH TO TAKE MY TEMP RECTALLY.

so i was wondering if i took the rectal thermometer and cleaned it very good, can i use it under my arm? if i can clean it off and use it under my arm great and if not then i will have to take it rectally again do to my dismay, until i can go and get an oral thermometer.

回答 (2)

2010-10-01 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
agree with above.
you may also find this helpful: http://firstaid.webmd.com/body-temperature
- it talks about the differences in temperature taking from different parts of the body

hope you feel better soon!
2010-10-01 11:14 pm
I would try to under the arm and if it is extremely off then its not working that way. if that fails then put your hand on your head. if it feels feverish, then you still have a fever, despite the absence of numbers.

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