Why do so many books in the Bible lack the name of the author?

2010-10-01 10:52 pm
I believe many of the books are parables therefore the author did not want to be known as a liar so he did not write his name because his reputation would suffer. I picture in my head many of the authors of the bible especially the old testament to be old monks sitting by themselves in a temple writing.

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2010-10-01 10:55 pm
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Well the books of the bible were memorized by story tellers that studied them and heard them, they were not written down. Especially the old testament since it is so old. So God went through people to create these books but there was no writing, then as soon as there was it was written down but many did not remember from where.
2010-10-02 6:29 am
The Bible is not simply a book or even a series of books. It was written by many people over a period of hundreds of years. In fact, many of the books DO have the name of the author.

Many of the "books of the Bible" are letters, written to encourage Christians. Others, like the gospels, are written by a named individual. In fact, it's very clear who wrote virtually all the New Testament books we have (there is some debate about Hebrews, but probably Paul wrote it).

Many of the Old Testament books date back to the origins of written language, when the Hebrews were a nomadic group. Who would think to sign a book "Joab?" People didn't even have last names then...it was a different time and different culture, when people didn't lust for fame and fortune as they do today. If last names didn't exist today, what things would you find it ridiculous to sign?

They just wanted their crops to do well and wanted to have enough water for the week.
2010-10-02 6:02 am
My bibles have an introduction before each book and from what I have seen most of them do have the names of who wrote them.
2010-10-02 5:59 am
"I believe...I picture in my head..."

The pictures in your head have misled you. It wasn't customary for scribes to provide their names on their works until much later.
2010-10-02 5:58 am
Your lack of knowledge and your disrespect are overwhelmingly rude and ill mannered.
I guess you skipped this scripture in Timothy that tells you WHO wrote the BIBLE?

"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for
teaching, for reproof,for correction, for training in righteousness;
that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work."
(2 Timothy 3:16-17).

Get a clue!
參考: Camille It is nice to be important but it more Important to be nice.
2010-10-02 5:58 am
very interesting imagination.
it's just because the focus of those books aren't the human author, but God who reveals Himself through these writings. For the books that do mention the author's name, they were mostly letter. The Bible we have nowadays went through a very strict process of "canonization," to make sure the writings were valid according to the Christian faith. All the books were written in the 1st 2 centuries after Christ, so there were not too many monks around just yet.
God bless!
2010-10-02 5:54 am
Really. it seems like every book of the bible almost is named ater the author or the person it was written about of to.
2010-10-02 5:54 am
Your head pictures are not the place to go for the truth.

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