My mom wants me to break up with my boyfriend?

2010-10-01 10:18 pm
okay, so my mom doesn't like my boyfriend. the first time she saw him she said "Hey! you better not try anything with my daughter!" and I was like omfg mom! what the hell are you doing!? I have to break up with him, 1 because she wants me to. and 2 because we are moving soon and I might as well break up with him now before we get too close (we've been dating for 2 days) how should I tell him?
And she doesn't like him because him and his friends have given us 2 complaint slips if we get 1 more we have to move out tomorrow (we live in an apartment) his friends come banging on my front door punching it/ head butting it/ and even sometimes humping it! please help! im desperate

回答 (7)

2010-10-01 10:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i dont see why breaking up with him is such a big deal...especially if youve only been dating for 2 days.... thats not even love...
so definatly break up with him. your moving, might aswell be done with him too.

put more effort into a relationship that you can actually see going...this one, i dont think so.
2010-10-02 5:24 am
Listen to your Mom. She sees things that you can't possibly recognize. I'd rather have a roof over my head than a dent in my door. Get it?
2010-10-02 5:20 am
hump n' dump.
bauha, nah lose the boy ;)
2010-10-02 5:29 am
be glad you have a parent who cares enough to speak up .. if more parents would we would have less number of teens suffering from bad mistakes with the wrong people doing the wrong things . give you mother a hug and tell her you love her. Tell them if they can't come to you door like a respectable person. Don't come if they do call the police and have them removed. They need to show you and your family respect . It a home not a frat house. you need to stay away from people like that trouble will find them and you will be right in the middle of it if your around them.
2010-10-02 5:28 am
agree with ♥Melissa. But based on he+his friends' behavior, I'm a little concerned about you and your mom's safety. I'm assuming you're a young teenage girl, maybe you should just contact him less and then move without explaining the situation to him too clearly. Let your relationship grow apart first, and when you're not in the neighborhood any more, tell him you'd like to be just friends with him because you've moved, etc.
2010-10-02 5:24 am
If your moving, then you have a reason to end it with him you dont even have to say your mom wanted you to end it. It's you ticket out the situation! Take it! bUY IT!

But if it is so serious have a long-distance relationship!
2010-10-02 5:21 am
I respect that she cares about you and it is your decision not her.

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