How do I get these guys to leave us alone?

2010-10-01 10:13 pm
My roomate and his girlfriend work in forensics together and they are probably the most intelligent people I know. However they can be insensitve and strange sometimes as they are rather cryptic. A lot of people don't like them in work and recently they've developed a habit of reporting my roomate for drugs so that they'll do a drugs bust on our flat. It's happened three times this month and I hate it. My roomate tried drugs when he was in uni but that was all. They've never found anything and I know my roomate is clean but how do I get the jealous loser from his work to stop sending us drug busts? Should I confront them?

回答 (3)

2010-10-01 10:24 pm
seriously, confront them. Make sure you're calm and safe though - who knows what they'll do.
And if you don't have a committed contract, give them a 1 month notice and ask them to leave
alternatively, you and your other roommate can do the same.
2010-10-01 10:22 pm
Dark alley+Ski mask+Baseball bat+Cryptic warning=Lesson learned about being snitch
2010-10-01 10:22 pm
do something sneaky to get back at them

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