what should i get a 16 year old for her sweet 16?

2010-10-01 10:12 pm
well lets talk about the girl first! shes really picky, she doesn't like everything, if you give her something that she dun like shell tlk **** bout u, and lastly she don't want anything cheap. . .for her birthday last year i got her this nice jacket and she ended up getting me a cheap top, i really have no clue what to get her? she told me she wants sephora makeup like a set but woaaah 50 bux helll nawww! what else is there?

回答 (5)

2010-10-01 10:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
buy her a nice(but not expensive) bracelet and if she dnt like it , then tell her to give it back so you can return it.
she aint got no right to be picky about what you spending your money on.
2010-10-02 5:46 am
get her what every 16yr old wants. a reciprocating saw with a Ron Jeremy attachment. Or a double ended dildo. And hey if she talks **** about you just smack her round the head with it. there is nothing more embarrassing than been beaten with a dildo.
Hope that helps
參考: What i got for my sweet 16
2010-10-02 5:22 am
she doesn't deserve anything...
2010-10-02 5:15 am
Don't buy her clothes (fat), makeup (ugly), perfume (smells) or chocolate (fat again).
2010-10-02 5:14 am
Why are you even friends with this girl? She sounds terrible.

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