English question- cent

2010-10-02 4:26 am

若以英文說出 $1.3456

one dollar and thirty-four cent xxxx之後甚樣說56呢?


To james: cent喎?你肯定? 我肯定的是$0.1=10cents 以你的說法$0.0111豈不是111cents 即$0.0111大過$0.1?


因為講一d經濟數據時,有時單位是$、%、point,因為太多lee d數字,所以怕說的時候聽的會把$1.3456聽成1.3456,所以我想分情楚d,如有dollar 或cent,咁聽既就知係講緊$。

回答 (5)

2010-10-02 10:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
若以英文說出 $1.3456

One and three thousand four hundred fifty-six ten thousandths dollars
(It is rather confusing !)

It is much neater to say “One point three four five six dollars”.

People will also understand if you say “One dollar and thirty-four point five six cents.”

To James,
You cannot say “one dollar and three thousand four hundred and fifty-six cents”
It implies one dollar plus 3456 cents. (Note: 3456 cents is equivalent to $34.56)

From the scientific point of view,
$ 0.1 is not necessarily equal to 10 cents, though it can be 10 cents. It may be 11 cents.
When you express in one decimal place, it implies it is accurate up to one decimal and there is uncertainty in hundredth unit.
$0.11 (11 cents) can be expressed as $0.1 if the accuracy is only up to one decimal place for dollars. In accounting practice or daily mathematics, you always express dollar in 2 decimal places. That is to the nearest cent.
One dollar and fifty cents is expressed as $1.50. No misunderstanding. Somehow you find dollars expressed in more than 2 decimal places on currency exchange rate like
$1.00 US = $1.0217 Canadian.
When you calculate mortgage payment or annuity, during intermediate steps dollars are expressed in more than 2 decimal places to avoid round off error. But the final result for dollars is also expressed in 2 decimal places.
2010-10-02 9:11 pm

1.3456 該說成 one point three four five six dollars,因為那是最清楚的說法。若你一定要加上個cent字,那麼你可以說:
One dollar and thirty-four and fifty-six hundredth cents. (一元三十四又百份之五十六分)

2010-10-02 7:48 pm
若以英文說出 $1.3456

One dollar & thirty-four fifty-six cents.


One dollar & three four five six cents.

2010-10-04 11:05:12 補充:
Basically, the UNIT of cent is limitted to 2 figures, the following figures may read as:
eg. $1.3456
One dollar & thirty-four point fifty-six cents as F.P. answered.
參考: Self
2010-10-02 5:30 pm
I will say : One point three four five six dollars
2010-10-02 5:18 pm
For clarity of communication:

One dollar and thirty four point fifty six cents.

Kindly note that in contemporary English the hyphon is omitted.

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