new dog with cat and eating issues (dog recognising which is his own bowl etc)?

2010-09-30 3:49 pm
ok so we have a 3 legged cat who's an indoor cat. we've had him for 4 years now and he's been the only pet here (bar a fish) since we had him. now mum wanted a dog and we finally found one that suited me cos i have issues and things with dogs, and she's a real cutie pie.

the new dog bronwen arrived yesterday so is still settling in and things. now the first question is this.......

both misty and bronwen aren't eating anything and bronwen has to have heart medication so its extra vital she gets the tablets. any tips to try and get them to eat something.

second question.................
bronwen is feeding from misty's place setting, so drinking misty's water and trying his food etc. how can we get bronwen to go for the dishes we places for her, and eat from where her food and water bowl should be and not from misty's.

third question.....................
misty is still not 100% with the idea which is why he isn't eating his food. he really needs to eat but we want him to be happy. will he settle more with the dog who is clearly no threat to him whatsoever. how can we help misty specifically to eat some food. i got him to eat some of his dreams earlier which is good.


thanks kathleen, both dog and cat don't bother each other, the dog has spent most of the day on her bed asleep lol. as for putting the food higher thats a bit difficult. if we put it onto of the freezer misty might consider jumping up there but really its too high and he hasn't done it before, so if he does get up there he wouldn't get back down again and i wouldn't want him to land on only 3 legs like that (he's missing his front one you see) the dogstrust had problems with the dogs food in that one day she'd eat what was given but the next she wasn't interested so they gave us a selection of what she's eaten whilst there. both animals are sound asleep somewhere in the house bless


oh also the dog needs a dental real bad but cos of the heart she's not strong enough yet (she was found as a stray and they only had her maybe 2 weeks before we adopted her), so in terms of her eating i piece of chicken with the tablet in might be a problem for now

回答 (5)

2010-09-30 3:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Put the cat food where the dog can't get to it. As long as you leave it where the dog can get it she will eat it.
2010-09-30 11:22 pm
This is a stressful time for both pup and cat! New housemate for your "king" of the house, and new home for baby pup. They will become acquainted and settle in, but it may take a little time. Make sure you are patient and do not try to force them together. They will probably become friends, in THEIR time - not yours!! :)

Pups will eat anything and everything!! Place your kitty's food dishes up, where the pup can't get to them. Can Misty jump to a safe place to eat? You might have to feed them in different areas, but still keep kitty's food up! No sense in letting the pup eat all the food! :)

Are you feeding the same puppy food as she was getting where she had been living? It's best if you can stay with the same food.

Can you crush MIsty's heart meds and mix with a canned food to make it tasty and easy to eat? I use Fancy Feast, the "classic chicken feast" - don't know if you have it, but any chicken canned would be good as chicken is easily digested, too.

Now, on another topic! Does your puppy have her first set of shots (or ANY?)? If not, you need to get her to the vet to get started on them! Sometimes puppies and kittens don't come with their shots and that is truly not a good thing! Also, take in a stool sample to be checked for worms (has she been wormed?)> A visit to the vet gets your vet acquained with the new "baby" and gives yu a heads up with everything your puppy needs!

The best of luck to you and your new "baby"! Of course, give plenty of attention to Misty, so he does't feel left out, at all! That's very important!
2010-09-30 11:13 pm
I have exactly the opposit problem: My Cocker Spaniel thought the new kittens' litter box was some sort of food and digged in!

I put a gate in my study so that the dog can't get in. The cats' bowls and litter box are in there so that they can have some peace and quiet.

Your misty probably didn't like the saliva left on his food.

I always push the tablet into the throad of my dogs and then grab the muzzle with one hand while stroke the throad downward with the other hand. The dog will have no choice but to swallow the pill. But if your dog is new to you it could be a problem. Maybe you should pamper her a bit before you do this.
2010-09-30 10:58 pm
It will take a while for both of them to adjust especially if neither of them have been around dog or cat before as it's a big change for them both, we have a new puppy who eats my kittens food and unfortunately there's not much you can do other than discourage them from eating drinking there.

Maybe try taking up the cat food when he/she is not eating and having a water bowl they can both share. This is all I do with mine and even the older dog will eat the cat food when he can. They don't know the difference and they won't starve themselves. With regard to the tablets could you hide them in a bite size piece of chicken or meat so you know that they have definitely eaten it? Once they realize the other one is not going away they will either become friends or just avoid each other. Hope this helps in some way.. good luck :)
2010-09-30 10:57 pm
1) Don't leave their dishes down. They each need to eat their own food and not each other's (not healthy or appropriate for either). Don't ever expect either animal to recognize their own place setting, this won't happen. Move your cat's dishes to where they are not accessible to the dog. Same goes for the litter box.

2) For the dog, put the food down at mealtime, remove it after 15 minutes even if it's uneaten. The dog will learn to eat what you offer when you offer it. No dog ever starved when food was available.

3) Are you offering the new dog the same food it was used to having before? A sudden change may cause them to refuse to eat, or cause gastric distress.

4) Your cat will settle with the dog in time. You didn't exactly introduce them in an ideal way. Make sure the dog doesn't harrass the cat.

5) Get some meaty pockets from the vet to stuff your cat's heart medication in. It's the same stuff you put their worming medication in.

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