Chinese Engish

2010-09-30 7:27 am
Here is some sentences that I captured from the newspaper and titled to be
Chiese English , please point out what is going wrong and let me know the
correct form will be .

1, Our shop should be on sale
2, Our price is cheap
3, The problem was improved
4, We received a complaint letter yesterday
5, Because of this reason , i would like to propose a change in our pricing scheme .,


回答 (3)

2010-09-30 9:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)The meaning of this sentence is ambiguous and practicably meaningless
in that' on sale' can be taken to mean' being available to be sold, or bought';
or ' being available to be sold at a reduced price'。I honestly do not know
what the writer of the sentence wants to express.

2) Seemingly, the writer wants to say' Our prices are comparatively cheaper
than the other stores or shops.The statement should hence be written as
' Our prices are cheaper.'

3) ' The problem was improved' is an illogical statement because a problem can be solved;' to improve a problem' is an absurd statement which doesn't make sense.

4) The sentence should be written as ' We received a letter of complaint

5)The first part of the sentence should be written as ' Because of this', or
'By reason of this',(in this context,' this' refers to somthing aforesaid, after the Phrase Preposition' Because of ' or ' By reason of '.
All the same , the meaning that the writer wants to express in the second
part of the sentence is beyond my understanding and I am awfully sorry that I can't possibly give what I guess to mislead you as to what it truly means.
參考: nil
2010-09-30 11:14 am
1. Our shop will have a sale next week. (tomorrow, next month)

Of course, you can add an adjective in front of the word “sale”,
e.g. clearance sale, Boxing Day sale, even bankruptcy sale.

2, Our price is attractive. (low, competitive, affordable)

  Normally, we cannot say “Our price is cheap.” We use cheap, expensive to describe things, not price. Our products (items) are cheap. (Our merchandise is cheap). Somehow, you find this statement appearing all over American advertisements, appealing to the working class people. It is not considered good English; don’t use it in formal English. The other thing concerns the use of the word “cheap”. It has the tone of “bad quality” and “not deserving respect”. In some high-class shops, they say “Our price is competitive”, even though they sell things at exorbitant price. Snobbish, aren't they?

3. The problem was solved. (The meaning has changed slightly.)
    The problem has been dealt with. 

I don’t know what the problem is. If it is a service problem, you can say:
 "We now offer a much improved service to our customers."

4. We received a letter of complaint yesterday.

5. Because of this, I would like to propose a new pricing scheme.

Never use these two words “reason” and “because” together in formal English, but somehow I see many Americans using it.
2010-09-30 8:58 am
1, Our shop should be on sale
2, Our price is cheap
3, The problem was improved
4, We received a complaint letter yesterday
5, Because of this reason , i would like to propose a change in our pricing scheme .,

1. It sounds like: You want to sell your shop ? (joking)
1. Our shop will have a clearance sale next week (or: soon).
2. Our prices are competitive
3. The problem is solved.
4. We'd received a letter complaint about ..... yesterday.
5. Thus, I would like to have a new sales scheme.

Hope these can help.
Thank you.
參考: Self

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