Costs be awarded to defendant

2010-09-30 5:18 am
Costs to be taxed, if not agreed, were awarded to the Defendant”
即係被告可得回堂費, 咁係咪指控訴人要幫被告俾埋??

回答 (1)

2010-09-30 10:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
“Costs to be taxed, if not agreed, were awarded to the Defendant”即係 “被告可得回就此案而衍生的費用. 如不能就銀碼達成協議, 便交由聆案官裁決.” 無錯. 簡單講, 即係告人果個要俾番被告人使咗嘅費用, 包括: 律師費、交通費、影印費、法庭存檔費、工作嘅損失等等各種使費, 唔淨只係律師費.如果係民事案, 就由個 plaintiff (告人果個) 俾.如果係刑事案, 就由律政署 (政府) 俾.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici

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