Baby grand piano

2010-09-30 1:27 am
What is baby grand piano? What's the differencve between the baby grand piano and the grand piano? thx!

回答 (1)

2010-09-30 9:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
鋼琴闊度部部都差唔多﹐都係要擺得晒88 個零鍵。 所以要睇佢既長度。正規來講﹐ 5尺7吋長算作 Grand﹐ 少過 5尺7吋就算係 Baby Grand。 以下是各種 size 名稱 :
Petite Grand : 4'-5" 至 4'-10"
Baby Grand : 4'-11" 至 5'-6"
Medium Grand : 5'-7"
Parlor Grand : 5'-9" 至 6'-1"
Semiconcert or Ballroom : 7'
Concert Grand : 9'

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