
2010-09-29 9:07 pm
1) 我想問工作証明英文
2) 下屬做野, 但做漏左, 我就話 "唔駛我下下話你知, 你要做埋........." 的英文

回答 (3)

2010-09-30 9:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 工作証明
Employment Certificate

2)"唔駛我下下話你知, 你要做埋........."
You should know your job well & needless for me to
remind you each time. Right ?

2010-09-30 01:56:32 補充:
1) Employment certificate
sometimes an unofficial saying - Employment paper will do.
參考: Self
2010-09-30 6:57 am
2010-09-29 9:21 pm
1) 工作証英文是 work permit.
2) " You don't need me to tell you that you should take care of the...... as well. Do you ?" 句子可在as well就停, 加了Do you? 就責備的語氣很重了。
參考: nil

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