MANSON 呢個字可否用來做英文名, 同埋有冇解釋 ?

2010-09-29 8:58 pm
MANSON 呢個字可否用來做英文名, 同埋有冇解釋 ?

回答 (2)

2010-09-30 5:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
MANSON is Scottish surname. It derives from the pre 7th century Norse-Viking personal name Magnusson, meaning the son of Magnus, a popular name amongst the Norse, and one which used by several early kings of the Hebrides and the Isle of Man.

Manson 是姓氏, 不適宜做 first name or Christian name. 當然任何人喜歡任何字都可以來做英文名. Charles Manson是聲名狼藉的美國殺人罪犯, 另外一個 Marilyn Manson, 男搖滾樂隊友, 男人改個女性名. 還有 Manson 和 Mansion (大廈) 差一個 alphabet. 全是個人意見.
2010-09-29 11:32 pm

MANSON 呢個字可否用來做英文名?可以用來做英文名。 同埋有冇解釋 ?
Manson 是家族的 姓。e.g. Patrick Manson;Charlie Manson

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