can i give my dog a raw bone from the bucthers?

2010-09-28 11:54 am
i have a 10mth old lab who get a bone every weekend from the butchers but he usually gets it boiled. would it be safe to give him a raw one? will this make him ill?

回答 (16)

2010-09-28 1:30 pm
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Raw bones are fine. Cooked bones are dangerous because they can splinter and the dogs digestive system can't break down cooked bones.
2010-09-28 7:25 pm
It's far better to give him raw bones. Once cooked, the digestive juices of a dog can't deal with a bone the same way as when raw. Provided you know the source, raw bones are fine - if you get a marrow bone, I'd remove some of the marrow because it's very rich, and could cause a tummy upset. Don't leave him alone with the bone however, just in case it gets stuck. I also take them away from mine, if they should get to the splintering stage.
2010-09-28 7:15 pm
yes it is safe to give a dog a raw bone. Evolution allows to dogs to be able to digest meat/ raw bones where we might get sick from it. Obviously if it smells off it wouldnt be the best idea. Just don't cook bones and give them to your dog. Once cooked the bone can splinter when chewed and get stuck inside the dog.
2010-09-28 7:51 pm
Yes it is safe to give him a raw one. Far safer than boiling it infact. Cooking in any way can make the bones brittle making them prone to splinter
2010-09-28 6:57 pm
Mine get rawn bones and they are fine - they are 12 and 6 and both love them. They can get a bit of an upset tummy if they are not used to fresh meat but raw bones should be fine.
2010-09-28 8:05 pm
I agree that safer raw than cooking it an even if id didn't agree with the dog, it would only be a mild stomach upset at worst.

A cooked bone that splinters could result in death.

Giving it raw would be much safer than boiled generally.
參考: Mine dont get cooked bones, ever.
2010-09-28 7:28 pm
of course it is fine to feed them raw bones!
my two staffys x collies LOVE them, it cost me £1 for a massive meaty bloody bone fresh that morning from the butcher and they love it
the first time they looked at it funny and pawed at it a bit but once they had tried it they loved it. they get one a week now x
2010-09-29 4:52 am
The dog is too young for raw bones. Any dog loves bones but if you give them to them regularly their teeth will wear away. In a young dog this will happen very quickly an build up problems later in life. Give an adult dog the occasional bone as a treat but no more. Never give chicken bones or cooked bones.
2010-09-28 7:06 pm
That's what they eat had they not been domesticated.

But I would tend to avoid it unless you feed him fresh meat and everything. If he is on kibbles most of the time and a raw bone/week, it's more like wear a suit with wellington boots:)
2010-09-28 7:21 pm
Either boiled or raw is fine. Dogs have a higher resistance than humans to bacteria on raw meat. Just be sure to never give him cooked chicken bones as he could choke.

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