that+SVO,that clause

2010-09-29 4:59 am
1."I suggest that the parent should learn to share their children's fellings"依一句所之+that+SVO係因為suggest可以後接that+SVO定還是將"that the parent should learn to share their children's fellings"睇成that clause

2."The fact that parents and children have a poor family relationship tops the problem list"依一句之所以+that+SVO係因為fact可以後接that clause(我睇過一本grammar書佢話noun clause can be after such nouns as fact)定還是"that parents and children have a poor family relationship"係apposition 如果係apposition可唔可以講多d點用apposition

3."The reason for the spate of school violence is that the victims are reluctant to report the case to the police"問題係依一句之所以+that+SVO係唔係因為將”that the victims are reluctant to report the case to the police”睇成that clause,同埋個that係唔係5可以省略

回答 (2)

2010-09-29 5:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
第1句個that其實可以省略, 因為S+suggest+SB+V+O
你可以將"the parent should learn to share their children's fellings"睇成that clause都無所謂

第2句"parents and children have a poor family relationship"係指緊The fact, 所以是一個noun clause, 作用是補充資料, noun clause省略後變成"The fact tops the problem list"結構仍然成立

第3句之所以一定要加"that"是因為verb to be之後要跟noun/adjective, 而且一句句子唔可以多過一個verb, 所以用"that"來連繫著, 或者你暫時當個"that"是connectives, 它只不過用"that...."來取替個noun
2010-09-29 9:38 pm


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