唔該 幫我翻譯啦 暢順D 有20點啊!!!

2010-09-29 4:35 am
唔該 幫我翻譯啦(英轉中) 要暢順D 最好系自己翻譯出來啦 因為電腦翻譯都唔知講咩 Grounded by Dad:That is not too bad. He says:"It is just the kind of trouble I got into as a lad. Of course, that does not mean I can ignore it. You must take your punishment, I can not withdraw it. But I'll reduce it from a week To seven days(funny joke!). No-three days. And I'll treat you to a coke." Ground by Mum: That is grim, that is glum. No Saturday match, no phone money; No way she'll ever change her mind- It is not funny. She goes on and on And won't leave it. She really means it. You'd better believe it.

回答 (3)

2010-10-01 7:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Grounded by Dad:That is not too bad. He says:"It is just the kind of trouble I got into as a lad. 爸爸說明立場:「這也不是太差,當我是孩子時,也犯上這種錯誤,

Of course, that does not mean I can ignore it. You must take your punishment, I can not withdraw it. 當然啦,這並不代表我可以忽略它,你要接受懲罰,我不會放過的,

But I'll reduce it from a week To seven days(funny joke!). No-three days. And I'll treat you to a coke." 但是,我會由一星期減至七日 (講笑而已!)不!減至三日吧!我只會給你一枝可樂。」

Ground by Mum: That is grim, that is glum. No Saturday match, no phone money; 媽媽說明立場:「這是嚴厲的,淒涼吧!星期六不准比賽,沒有電話費支助。」

No way she'll ever change her mind- It is not funny. She goes on and on And won't leave it. She really means it. You'd better believe it.無辦法!她不會改變主意的,不是說笑的!她會繼續下去,不會放過,很認真的。你要信啊!
2010-09-29 5:14 am
接地的爸爸: 這不是太壞。 他說:"這是作為一個小夥子陷入的麻煩的那種。 當然,這並不表示我可以忽略它。 你必須考慮你的懲罰,我可以把它。 但我會到七天 (有趣的笑話 !) 減少從一周。 無三天。 我請你一杯可口可樂。 地面的媽媽: 這是嚴峻,那就是悶悶不樂。 沒有星期六與匹配沒有電話錢 ; 她會改變她的主意,沒有辦法不好笑。 她滔滔不絕地與不會離開它。 她真的意味著它。 你最好相信它。

2010-09-28 21:15:12 補充:
參考: Bing
2010-09-29 4:42 am
我試過用電腦譯,但係語無倫次咁,又試過自己譯,但係唔明- -'...幫唔到你唔好意思.

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