(1)廚房中一個鍋裡的油著了火,第一樣野係要把火源既供應cut走,即係把煤氣掣熄左。第二,就係把周圍既易燃物品拿走,以免弄成更大形既火災。你應該用濕毛巾滅火,你用毛巾蓋在鍋子上,作鍋子既蓋子並不時加d水係條毛巾到(因為毛巾中的水會比火蒸發,到時,毛巾都會燒起身0.0) 此方法係令著了火的油冇左 氧。
2010-09-28 20:35:35 補充:
參考: cso中既甘Bill土人>v
1.Wet towel.Cover the pan with the towel.By covering it,fresh air cannot enter the flame,such that the fire cannot be sustained.
2. .It is because oil is less dense than water.When water is added,oil can still contact fresh air.
2010-09-28 19:31:31 補充:
2. The oil floats on the water since it is less dense, and this provides some opportunity to clean up the oil spills by skimming the oil from the surface of the water.
2010-09-28 19:32:18 補充:
more dangerously, since the splashed oil droplets contact with more oxygen, it'll burn more vigorously , causing a bigger fire or even explosion.