what age should i breed my cockapoo at? my window of opprutunitty is closing!?

2010-09-28 2:08 am
Me and my family want to breed our cockapoo, Minnie, but, shes almost at her first cycle. We fear if we dont breed her soon the vets dog will neuter his poodle! he already aggreed to breed. what is the earliest heat cycle to breed that she will not be harmed

Me and my family want to breed our cockapoo, Minnie, but, shes almost at her first cycle. We fear if we dont breed her soon the vets dog will neuter his poodle! he already aggreed to breed. what is the earliest heat cycle to breed that she will not be harmed in labor or mating. his poodle is as old as our cockapoo.


we have all the puppies (6) already on hold

回答 (16)

2010-09-28 2:13 am
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Troll alert!
2010-09-28 9:13 am
Oh geez..

There is soo much wrong with this...

Spay your mutt - she's not nearly old enough to breed and the world does not need any more poorly bred dogs choking up shelters and rescues.

Be thankful that I was at least semi-nice to you ... other won't be so forgiving.

ADD: LMAO, I love how you said "we have all the puppies (6) already on hold". How on earth can you know how many pups your poorly bred mutt will have? Can you see into the future??
2010-09-28 9:15 am
Your vet would be smart enough to know that she's a mutt and his dog is a purebred and that they SHOULD NOT BREED! No dog should be bred during their first heat cycle and your dog should be spayed NOW!!
2010-09-28 9:16 am
"We fear if we dont breed her soon the vets dog will neuter his poodle! "? Really? Your vet's dog has his own poodle? Amazing.

Both dogs are what, less than a year old, and your vet agrees to this. C'mon total troll fail on your first question.

Legit answer: Both dogs must be at least 2 years old and have had appropriate genetic testing, as your vet should know.
2010-09-28 9:24 am
1. Spay your mutt. Your window of opportunity was closed the day she was born.
2. find a vet who isn't so keen on being a byb.
3. There is ALWAYS a risk when it comes to pregnancy no matter the age of the *****
2010-09-28 9:19 am
Why, exactly do you want to breed your mixed breed dog? If you insist on doing this, breed her on her second cycle. While you're at it take a trip to your shelter and look at all the cute little mixes looking for homes. also do some reading so that you understand the risks of breeding your small mixed breed dog and get a good savings account going.

You sound young so instead of "you" exchange that terminology to "your parents".
2010-09-28 9:16 am
Since your dog is a mix, and not health tested, along with the male, I'd say that "window of opprutunitty" should be slammed shut and nailed closed for good.
2010-09-28 9:16 am
Get her fixed PLEASE. The world does not need any more backyard breeders or puppies with nowhere to go. But if you still insist on breeding her, read up on any book about puppy care that you can until you know everything and anything that can go wrong and what to do. Okay? Just please consider the consequences. And probably the earliest you should breed her is maybe.... two and a half? Three maybe? Oh and heres a handy little guide for ya to read. http://www.canismajor.com/dog/hvpup1.html
2010-09-28 9:31 am
Your dog is NOT a breed and should never be bred for any excuse.

its a mutt and mutts should never be bred on purpose. You cannot test the dog for genetic problems because its not a purebred dog. And your dog cannot earn a champion title cause its not a purebred dog.

And I find it hard to believe that a vet would allow his poodle to be bred to a mutt. Spay her immediately.
2010-09-28 11:01 am
you dont breed her.

She is a mutt, and should NOT be breed.

NO dog should be bred before the age of 2 years.. because proper health tests cannot be done until then. First cycle is definantly TOO YOUNG.

Just her her SPAYED. Breeding is risky buisiness. Even if you waited until she was 2, there is still a chance that she could DIE during pregnancy or labor. That is not a risk one should take with their pet-quality animal. Leave breeding to people who have quality, purebred animals, and know what they are doing

All those "holds" you have can easily find poodle/cocker mixes in shelters and rescues.
2010-09-28 9:14 am
She shouldn't at this age, around 9 months?

A lot of breeders wait until the second cycle, the earliest. Right now she is still a big puppy and her physical conditions are barely ready for such drastic changes in her body.

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